Reviews for Pain From the Past
sweeneytoddgurl chapter 6 . 7/8/2009
NO! Tobey is dead? Why is life so cruel? Great story, though! I hope there is a sequel!
sweeneytoddgurl chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
This is a great beginning, I can't wait to see where this story goes! Tobey is one of my favorite characters ever!
KarineNachigeru chapter 6 . 6/30/2009

You killed Tobey...

Please make a sequel if you haven't already.
simsbabii chapter 6 . 6/29/2009
*quibbles* You killed off the cutest kid on the whole show! How will Sue survive?
Feather32 chapter 6 . 5/28/2009
This was a great fanfic it was very well written I hope you write a sequel soon. Great idea for Tobey's past.
crystalquirt chapter 6 . 5/27/2009


It was a great story, i really enjoyed reading it.


Sid might find a way mightn't he? A spark of hope. Oh so sad.

Well written, just one or two spots that made my eyes cross, lolz

*sniffle, Tobey's dead, but at least he took Kong Li with him, or did he? Kong Li has a way of turning up again?

*runs away sobbing . . .

but first, i wish there was something like a rating of 1-10 on this site, cause i'd give it an 11. And either way [whether Tobey stays dead or not, a sequel would be very fine with me.

crystalquirt chapter 5 . 5/25/2009
I am so lovin' this! I went back and reread it from the beginning again. Great Job!
crystalquirt chapter 4 . 5/22/2009

love the Sid angst :D

[i know I'm weird]

I'm torturing him in my story too, poor Sid.

i did not get a feeling that Nana and Sue were weak at all, sometimes they don't win immediately in the series. I think your keeping them in character too.

only one thing i noticed

[i noticed cause i do it too, is using extra words,


'as he was currently being restrained'

can easily be -

'as he was being restrained'

or even -

'as he was restrained.'


'Being forced to watch this, Tobey couldn’t take this anymore!'

could be

'Being forced to watch, Tobey couldn’t take his friend's suffering anymore!'

Using 'it' 'this' or 'that' can be confusing sometimes.

I'm no expert, and i hope it was okay to offer those thoughts. I wish someone would offer comments like that to me sometimes :D

Very enjoyable to read just as it is! thanks for continuing :D
crystalquirt chapter 3 . 5/22/2009
Yes it was sweet! but not too sweet - just the right amount of sweetness! I liked the scene where Sid and Sue befriend Tobey in the orphanage, and i really enjoyed the dream sequence when she saw the three of them that were to be her chosen ones :D

Great Job!
crystalquirt chapter 2 . 5/22/2009
Another great chappy.

i think the fight is fine, it made sense and i could visualize the action.

I just write spells in english or i totally make them up

like letting the dog walk across the keyboard;


becomes the "Kask-dew-o" spicy melting mushroom recipe :D

Except for the fireball recipe in one of my fics got a real name in Chinese because a reader/friend who speaks Chinese named it for me.

I didn't miss the recipe not having a name at all in your fic as i read. it's fine the way you did it.
ponygirl-loves-mcqueen chapter 2 . 5/20/2009
Aww, poor Tobey :(... Good job, though :D I still 3 this story, update soon!
BeBe says hi chapter 1 . 5/19/2009
Please continue! You have me hooked on this story!
ponygirl-loves-mcqueen chapter 1 . 5/17/2009
This seems like it will make a very interesting story :) I can't wait for an update, good job :)
crystalquirt chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
Like it!

Loved it!

what an awesome way to set up a possible dark past for Tobey. Exciting action and all!

great job!