Reviews for Siblings in the Shadows
illereyn chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
Another wonderful look at the family dynamics! thank you
Distant-Moon chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
This was very good. Azula was in character to a t, and the descriptions were very vivid. My arm started to hurt a little when I got to the part about her trying to rip his tendons apart. It was great! Plus, I liked how you subtley planned out her defeat at the end. "QUACK!"
Lucrezia6565 chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
Whoa, if this wasn’t young Azula to a ‘T’!

And that comment to Zuko,

“Take note for future personal use, Zuko; it’s a perfectly traditional way for a disgrace to take responsibility for their failures. It goes all the way back to our ancestors being impressed by the Sun Warrior practice of immolating themselves rather than being taken cap…”

is absolutely chilling.

I have no doubt in mind that it’s what she did expect, or wish, her brother to do right after his banishment (his failure in capturing the Avatar).

Immolate himself, get out of her way…

*shudders* yeah, that’s Azula alright - ‘celebrating becoming soon an only child’

I was impressed by the amazing characterization, not only Azula, but young Zuko and Iroh, too.

Excellent work :)