Reviews for Weiss Xander
xXxOtAkU-444xXx chapter 2 . 9/13/2011
I like it! **
Crystalstorm chapter 2 . 9/13/2011
This is a great fic so far. I look forward to when the next chapter or chapters are posted. Ja.
Iseria4 chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
Yeah... I've read this now. I still say you should read through it a second time.

It's good, but not great. Too much mess with the use, or lack thereof, of (,).

Also you really should have used bolds or itallics or something to really show the difference between info about the story and the story itself.

It's been a while since I had anything to do with Buffy, so I don't remember Xander as more than "some shadow like that who did something like this", but I like the ideas.

Ran is good.

Angel is good.

Buffy, so far, is nailed. _

What I really miss is some sort of reference or link to the other story you're refering to. If it only included effects on the the life of the one and not the other, then I would consider it a lack of info on my part, but since it involves both I'll assume you're referring to a previous fanfic. I don't see a single reference for me to check out.

Too bad. It sounded interesting.

All in all it's good, great once the grammar's taken care of

(I forgot to mention that; yes, I am a grammar nazi. _ you really don't have to fret if I'm the one pointing it out, 'cause maybe most people wouldn't care. _)

and the best with a reference to the earlier fanfic and some NEW CHAPTERS!

xXxOtAkU-444xXx chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
I like it! **
Crystalstorm chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
This is a good story so far. Please tell me you plan to update it sometime this year. Ja.
Kazukimi chapter 1 . 5/22/2009
Nice crossover, i was happy to find this one. And the pairing is nice too.
Emeralden Rapley chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
omg. i neve read or saw weiss kreuz but i am so readin this piece of ultra sexy. cant wait for more.
Morrolan chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
Liking this so far. Looking forward to the next bit.