Reviews for Tales From the West Wing
Guest chapter 100 . 8/14/2016
Oh. My. God. Like, I'm almost in tears. That was so good. Albeit it is 3:00am, but this is an amazing piece of work. I loved the ready sarcasm and detailed knowledge into the (supposed) processes of the White House.

There was one part that I absolutely couldn't bear. I am decidedly anti-HitsuHina. HITSUKARIN ALL THE WAY.

But in all honestly, I absolutely loved reading this fan fiction.
haeye chapter 100 . 2/20/2012
I loved it! All 100 chaps in about...4ish hours.

Urahara was great!
haeye chapter 50 . 2/20/2012
OMG if the West Wing is half a funny as this I know why my mom liked the show.
WinterVines chapter 100 . 10/7/2011
What a great way to end the story I rather liked the time skip and showing what happened later. It fits very much XD This was definitely a wonderful fic, and I hope to see even more from you soon -WV
unevilgirl chapter 100 . 10/7/2011
That was exciting! Thanks for such a fun story. I never thought to blend bleach and west wing and turns out it was great!
Dark Queen Helba chapter 100 . 10/6/2011
*clap. Clap. .Clap. goes into Monstrous Applause*

This has truly been an amazing story and very true to it's two roots. The very thought of combing Bleach and West Wing at first seemed ludicrous but you made it work.

And while I admit that my memories of West Wing have faded over time, it was on the air before 2000 meaning that I was under 10 at the time it was on, it is still near and dear to my heart. Thank you for giving us this treat.
A.Pevensie chapter 100 . 10/6/2011
The last chapter! Glad to have seen where you've taken these characters - though I admit, I have a hard time imagining Shunsui as president ;) Thanks so much for writing this; it's a great story, and I loved reading it, and seeing the Bleach characters in a great AU setting. And even though it doesn't have as many reviews as it deserves (my fault as much as anyone's, and I apologize for that!), I hope you know how much it's been enjoyed!
WinterVines chapter 99 . 9/30/2011
Well it looks like almost everyone has a happy ending so far How many more chapters are you planning on including still? -WV
WinterVines chapter 98 . 9/23/2011
XD It will definitely be interesting to see how Toshiro handles everything. It is nice that they're sort of figuring things out though. Can't wait to see what happens next -WV
Fluff Inc chapter 98 . 9/22/2011
Toushiro and Momo were adorable :3 This was sweet and funny!
WinterVines chapter 97 . 9/16/2011
XD XD XD That's definitely one way to defuse stress. Then again, it could cause a whole lot more of a different kind XD That was too funny. Smart guy to get back at him though. It made me laugh. -WV
kiuna'yukina chapter 96 . 9/13/2011
I love this story!

By far the best Bleach AU I've ever read- I love how you characterized everyone. I have to admit to being confused though, (not being American, I found myself lost quite a few times throughout reading through the political stuff) what exactly were the ten words?

Great work! I hope you update soon! :)
WinterVines chapter 96 . 9/9/2011
Well that went pretty well. Urahara definitely has a type of charm to him, so it's good they used that. I'd vote for him XD -WV
Fluff Inc chapter 95 . 9/2/2011
I can't help grinning all throughout this chapter since I was anticipating the scene between Yoruichi and Kisuke. That was one of my favorite moments in the series :D Great chapter, once again! I look forward to the next.
WinterVines chapter 95 . 9/1/2011
XD That whole tie fiasco was very amusing. So was the wager. That's what's nice about these fics. Little slices of funny and happy. Can't wait to see how the rest of it pans out -WV
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