Reviews for When the Day Met the Night
CharlieBoneFan chapter 16 . 8/5/2014
Loved story.
Bilbo chapter 16 . 8/22/2013
Good story. An interesting use of characters. Sad I missed this back when it was first published, but I'm glad I found it now.
LeFay Strent chapter 16 . 10/14/2012
This was a great AU story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every bit of it.
Anime lover0331 chapter 1 . 6/10/2012
Im guessing that you like Panic at the Disco...if not this is a song name from them . When the Day Met the Night is a really good song by Panic
Miss Light Bright chapter 11 . 11/4/2011
I'm really loving this story so far! I will definitely finish the rest once I am done with homework!
I promise you that chapter 16 . 6/12/2011
Awww, so very cute! I loved it! The whole evil step-mother (whose attitude seems a lot like Tamaki's grandmother) was awesome! Amazing job with the story! D
serienade chapter 16 . 2/10/2011
Okay...I really like this story! And just saying, this is the first Tamaki/Haruhi story that I've read and added to my favorites list. This story was great, and you had lots of detail and description, and your plot had me on the edge of my seat for a lot of the time! I liked the fact that you didn't really make the story all a "smooth waters" romance story, if you know what I'm talking about. A little conflict is nice in a story! Keeps things interesting, y' know? And, speaking of which, I really liked the whole "castle treachery", if I may say, with the queen trying to kill off the members of the royal family. I really liked reading this story, and it's probably going to be one that I'll read over and over again, it's just that good. You are a really talented writer, and you did a truly magnificent job with this story! No complaints whatsoever!
MewIchigoPrincess chapter 16 . 11/7/2010
Wow! What a great story! Seriously, it was awesome! I very much enjoyed it and found myself interacting with the story, which is always a good sign! That's how you know when you're a good writer! ;) Lol! I loved how this story was very simple on the romance. There was enough without it being overwhelming. Overall, it was very cute. Great job! )
lulu halulu chapter 16 . 8/14/2010
Aw! Great story! ) I hate the stupid step-mother! Poor Tamaki! And poor Nekozawa! Stupid step-mother threatened Kirimi! I loved this story so much!
GeorgieGirl999 chapter 16 . 1/29/2010
aw! this is really good! good job!
airtrafficstreams chapter 3 . 9/7/2009
Ah, I see. I was a bit confused at first at the time lapse. Tamaki is eighteen, now? I find it interesting that Tamaki has what seems like a sort of schizophrenia. Very unique work.
airtrafficstreams chapter 2 . 9/7/2009
Aw. This was a sweet chapter. Tamaki and Haruhi...They really are an adorable couple, aren't they. Nice chapter.
cocoatd chapter 16 . 8/18/2009
i really liked this and im adding it to my favorite list i would like it if you wrote more thanks
holdmetight123 chapter 16 . 8/17/2009
its such a cute ending


thanks for writing! I really enjoyed it


roughdiamond5 chapter 16 . 8/16/2009
OH MY GOD IT'S OVER NOW! You honestly could not believe this, but I am tearing up. Shows how much of a sap I am for a good ending. :P

You know, I actually rather hate endings. It makes me feel so horrible to know that there will be no more of something. But have managed to make this ending something I can celebrate, because I know Tamaki and Haruhi are happy and peaceful, and I know that they have earned it and deserve it. So, congratulations, because I am tearing up because you have made a manifestation of satisfaction.

Uh...I hope that made sense.

One more time:

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