Reviews for Hecatemus
Bb34 chapter 9 . 5/18
Andre is disgusting he's acting like he didn't just rape an underage boy and he still wants sex I understand that he felt the call but shouldn't he had at least try to resist, it feels like he's just throwing his whole life away just for a fuck and gosh I feel so bad for Harry if I had to live like this I would've preferred death.
Bb34 chapter 28 . 5/18
I had to skip to the ending to see how Harry was and this is definitely not my cup of tea I don't think I've ever disliked a fic as much as I did this one.
Bb34 chapter 8 . 5/18
No offense but why the fuck did you choose Andre he already has a wife and kids and poor Harry having to deal with this shit.
Bb34 chapter 7 . 5/18
This is making me so nervous.
Bb34 chapter 5 . 5/18
I could just smack Poppy
Bb34 chapter 1 . 5/18
Draco and Dumbledore are disgusting.
Tech-cha chapter 28 . 4/22/2019
Okay, your an amazing writer, this story is wonderfully done but I still hate it and I'm so sorry for that. Perhaps I missed the message of this story or it was just kink fulfillment. I don't know, I don't recall reading any warnings about that though so I'll just assume not. I actually finished this which was a surprise since I usually can't stand these premises. I knew this story would be dark, from the very first few chapters I knew and accepted that I don't hate stories that focus on unfair circumstances and the darkest sides of humanity, there are times when those are the stories I want to read. But this was a rollercoaster ride to hell.

Dumbledore was disgusting and vile and everything that makes a good irredeemable villain which was fine. But it just messed me up that everyone except a small few were complete idiots. Since when would any ruling body be bullied so thoroughly into giving another what they want when the opposition has an unstable government to begin with! I doubt that a society that uses magic would only have bracelets/cuffs as a binding mechanism for criminals so why didn't they use it?! I'm not even going to argue the fact that Dumbledore had so many willfully blind followers and I do agree that if your magic is powerful you can do things others aren't aware of so his abilities don't seem out of the ordinary but it was like once Harry had been bonded he half turned into an idiot that resembled in no way the cruel man who obliviated people left right and center while he gathered information. He didn't act where it made sense for him to pry and made unnecessary enemies where he had no definitive proof he could control. I can't believe arrogance but it came off as stupid more than once. Then how he dies is pathetic, and unsatisfying. Why not show the circle of evil and have him mugged? kidnapped by a psyco? Or just killed by a random drunk guy who takes his anger out on the wrong people?

I don't want to touch on the opinions of the general populace in your story, muggle born children would find the whole situation appalling and likely be disgusted by anyone who normalized and defended it. Canon Hermione was always shown to be hard-headed and have a keen sense of justice. This Hermione just had me re-reading paragraphs to make sure this was still her talking, she switched up too much. Her reactions to anything that happened were forced. She was defending Dumbledore for several chapters and then after a brief explanation, "You're right, Dumbledore's evil." and that's it? Where if the outrage, the indignation, the spitfire that is an intrinsic part of her personality. Then she snapped back to more normal Hermione? Maybe I'm just mad because I know Harry shouldn't give a damn about friends who accepted his fate for him ( Like what the hell! The least they could do is inform him of the situation as good friends who tend to break the rules do!). Then just about everyone's been mind-controlled which felt like a lazy way to redeem some characters, but lazy redemption is a theme in this universe so I could stomach it, especially since it's not the worst I've seen.

If anything was ever changed in this story it should be Harry and that "Bond". Harry ended the story as a weaker character than he started. By the time I got the chapter 20, I didn't care about what happened to him and that's a problem. I shouldn't feel like the main character that I'm supposed to root for is in the way. And if he was supposed to be a different kind of Hectemus then why have things go the same way as any other of his kind? You'd think for Magics "special children" she'd lash out at those who hurt and kill them? She doesn't and the fact that Harry who doesn't trust the adults around him didn't kill Andre should have been a flag for me. the whole relationship was ignored by me, to be honest as I took it as bullshit. Rape isn't okay, Harry knows and feels this but to make it okay we got a few chapters of empty angst and a story of Andre almost dying. I can kindly inform you that no one wanted him alive! I certainly didn't and was waiting for Harry to get rid of his baggage so that the plot could really get interesting, and that where it happened for me. This story lost its charm, uniqueness, and beauty the moment Harry gave into the bond he was feeling no repercussions from. At that point, it didn't even read like the same story. I apologize if this comment insulted you. I just found a story that had so much potential and watched it fall apart in the span of a few chapters where it was never picked back up. I look forward to you improving in your work I just won't be re-reading this one.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/8/2019
I see where others may like this but that was perhaps the worst story I have read in the Harry potter fiction zone. I started out happy to see what it was like and each chapter just pissed me off more, honestly it was horrible and regardless of how Harry's nature was described as being that was one fucked up story that pretty much just advocated rape, abuse, and Stockholm syndrome as being fine. Yeah, I will not be reading any of your other stories if there were a way to wash the unfortunate memories of this story out my mind I would, will warn my friends about not reading this bull either.
Guest chapter 8 . 4/8/2019
I know it is just a story but I am going to read one more chapter and then skip to the end because if Harry stays with Andre or becomes some weak pushover submissive I am not going to read it because no offense but that is utter bullsh!t and not the kind of story I like.
Harriverse chapter 28 . 2/17/2019
A very surprising premis. Lots of interesting variations, especially Harry becoming almost friends with the Dark Lord he vanquished. Totally skipping the Sirius connection meant that Harry could not be claimed by his godfather. Then you explain how Big Red was obviously set up by Dumbles too, so no family for Harry. A great story for a Sunday read.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH chapter 5 . 12/10/2018
LirArtair chapter 16 . 9/9/2018
I strongly dislike this fanfiction. I've been trying to endure it for a while, thinking that maybe it will become better, but no. The culture and mindset are all too sickening and annoying for me, especially the 'romance' aspect. It's not even natural, just some sort of forced acceptance because of conditional factors.

Just accepting it like that ? that's the last straw for me. I don't think the subject matter should be played around with.
Jensindenial3516 chapter 28 . 7/30/2018
MimiTaylor chapter 28 . 7/12/2018
This was such an unusual fic. I liked it except for the raping. Not a trigger for me but the almost casual way Draco mentions 'practicing' raping was really creepy. I understood much later that it was Dumbledore's influence over him, but when it occurred in the story, I imagined you lost a lot of readers because of it.
Dumbledore, damn, he was shitty.
fan of Harry's hermione draco chapter 1 . 5/27/2018
very painful at the start of the story but overall its nice. and the omc was also refreshing
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