Reviews for Accidentally In Love
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 4/7/2019
Interesting chapter and plot and idea
ftmill16 chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
I'm leaving this same begging review on all three places that I know of that this story is posted. Just wanted to let you know that so you'll know if you've read it elsewhere, it's the same thing...

Hey there! Um, you see, Ellie got hold of me and she wants to come back and play a bunch with her amazing, sexy daddy, Jim and her new friend Pam, who is like a mommy to her. She asked me to BEG you and said that I should absolutely NOT take no for an answer! Seriously, life kinda sucks in a big way right now and it would just mean EVERYTHING to me to see this continued and finished. I know that you have just oodles of absolutely amazing things planned for this story and we just REALLY need to see them happen. Please, I'm begging. If there is ANYTHING at all that I can do to help you with this, I'm totally at your disposal any time you want/need me! Please! I just know there are so many people that were just absolutely invested in Ellie and Jim and Pam and I know that even if there aren't a lot of reviewers left around in this fandom, many would return to see this continued/finished! Ummm.. did I say please?
ftmill16 chapter 13 . 8/17/2014
okay so I'm years late with my review but better late than never, right? I want to be honest with you before I get into the actual review... I am totally mourning this story because I just have a feeling we aren't going to get any more of it. I remember our long IMs when you would map out the places you planned on taking this story and just how much I looked forward to reading those chapters so I really do feel a real grief in my heart that i just really feel that we've gotten the last of AIL that we're going to get and even if the Office has ended, heck, ESPECIALLY because it has ended, that's a damn shame. You just have/had such a way of bringing Jim, Pam and your darling Ellie alive for us. You made us care not just about the Jim/Pam relationship like with most stories, but about the relationship of the entire trio. The way you made the whole thing come together was so realistic... Jim having a bit of misgivings at his little girl loving another adult, Pam's ever present insistence that kids don't like her even as Ellie showed her another side of herself. I love how you did that because I think it's much easier to write the stories where Pam is great with a child but it happens to be hers, in this you show a child with no genetic link to Pam at all and also aone that isn't familiar with her at all yet Ellie is clearly drawn to Pam from that first meeting. You make it seem as though even though another woman may have been the one to have given birth to Ellie, let's face it, sick or not this woman was clearly NEVER Ellie's mom, there was never any kind of a maternal bond. Also it seems in this chapter that Jim is comming to a bit of a realization that while he may have loved before, he has never in his life been IN love. What I started to say was that it seems like Pam was ALWAYS supposed to be Ellie's mom. Pam, Jim and Ellie and hopefully several more in the future (I've just always seen Jim and Pam with a large family in my mind!) they were mean for each other. Meant to be a family. One more thing before I really get into this chapter... every time I read about Jim's mom I wonder about his dad because it just all seems to focused on his mom. I remember now that there was mention, I'm pretty sure, though briefly, of his dad coming to Ellie's 1st bday with his mom, but that was it. I would just really think, especially with the predicament that Jim found himself in, that he would have been seeking out his dad for that advice on being a dad, especially since he's doing it alone. I;ve always imagined Jim with a super tight bond with his mom and we see that in this story. Also being glose to his sister which we also see but I also imagined him as someone who always looked up to his dad, aspired to be like him because I've always imagined that his dad set the example of the wonderful man that Jim turned out to be. Just something for thought.

Where do I start with this chapter? AMAZING! It was absolutely amazing! I was picturing the chapter after the one where their night was ruined as being filled with nothing but smut, and don't get me wrog, this girl likes, some may even say loves, her JAM smut, but there was so much more in here, heck there were even other things scattered throughout the smut. You are a true masterful author, you KNOW Jim and Pam. You know them and have their voices within the context of the show but you also have this AMAZING ability to create a completely different scenerio and you would never eve need to call them Jim and Pam and I would KNOW it was them. I will NEVER for the life of me understand why you doubt yourself. You are without any doubt one of the best authors on here and one that gets Jim and Pam's voices, actions, personalities the very most.

So could this chapter open any cuter than Pam being all domestic and doing Jim's laundry? LOVE LOVE LOVE It shows how comfortable she is in their lives already that she is taking up the domestic chores, especially ones like this, while Jim is down. I also just adore that Jim is pretending to be a bit more sick than he is because he is just really enjoying Pam taking care of him and I think he probably is really loving seeing her taking care of his baby too. I think he loves seeing that bond forming. You know when I think back in this story, remember when Jim thought that even if he and Pam never panned out maybe she could at least be a maternal figure for Ellie before he kicked himself for it? I think thats when Jim really and honestly knew that Pam was always meant to ne Ellie's mommy. I gotta say, one thing that will make me SO SO sad if I'm right and we get no more of this story, well LOTS will make me sad BUT I really looked forward to Ellie calling Pam Mommy or momma for the first time. I know that would have absolutely melted me! Anyhow, I just think Jim knew very quickly that Pam was the one for him, even if he wanted to deny it. But I think he would remind himself, remember, she may have been the one for you if it was just you but you have Ellie and you need someone who will love HER unconditionally even if it's not a 100% match for you but then he watched those two together and he just knew that this was the family he was meant to have. Anyhow, I love in this chapter that we clearly know where Pam stands as far as wanting Jim, yet when he tries to start something it's Ellie's comfort she's thinking about and the fact that she would feel so much better sleeping in her bed and also the fact that im himself is exhausted and needs a nap himself. Another thing is, when Pam says about taking Ellie up to her bed, Jim hasn't been able to take care of his baby girl for like a day so you can sense that when he tells Pam that he'll take Ellie up to bed, that it's important to him to do so because even if it's something small he wants that connection with his baby and as much as he enjoys watching Pam care for her, he misses it. How adorable is it that Pam bathed Ellie, read to her and rocked her to sleep while singing to her. On the flip side how adorable is it that Jim pouted about Ellie going to sleep without him. I LOVE that he came to the realization that Pam is there for real now. She wants to be his partner and no, he is not any longer alone! Oh and I cannot imagine how Jim felt because I know I almost melted when Pam revealed that she looked up the sign for feel better and taught it to Ellie... it brought a tear to my eyes because it shows that she truly understands the baby's needs and she is doing all she can to take care of them. How Jim MUST have felt hearing that! Something I loved and found amazing, when it said She was his
He was Hers (or the other way around... whatever)
What I adored about this is that he realized the reality of this BEFORE they had made love. Oh and let me also mention lest I forget, a lot of people throw around the term that two people 'made love' simply because their bodies came together. I want to point out, that's fine if that's their belief but you and I seem to believe the same thing here. I think you make love when you find that one person you are supposed to be with or at very least you don't make love unles you are in love. Not even because you love someone, I think it's when you're IN love with the person that you make love, no other time. Like I said, just what I believe. Anyhow I LOVE so much that Jim comes to the realization here that he's just actually made love for the first time. So he and Chloe for together for more than 4 years and never actually made love. Honestly, I know you said he loved her but it sounds to me and I feel pretty sure that 1) he loved her but wasn't nessisarrily IN love with her, he just didn't know there was a diference. He thought loving someone was enough. 2) They kept trying to make a relationship based mostly on attraction work because they cared for each other and it seemed like it should. I bet at this point Jim is extremely grateful to Chloe for leaving. WHat if they were together and moved back to Scranton together only for Jim to meet his soul mate at work. What happens then? Well, we all know what happens, Jim breaks his and Pam's hearts because he's too good of a guy to leave the mother of his child even if they have an awful relationship and he has realized that Pam is the person he is supposed to be with. WHEW Thank God that isn't what happened.

I feel a bit embarrassed talking about the more explicit parts but WOW, you could make a living writing this stuff. I love how Jim realized things like even Pam's breasts seemed to have been created to fit with him perfectly. I've never seen that in a story and I just love it. I also just love how much attention Jim is giving Pam here and I get the feeling that Pam has never had a partner that has paid so much attention to her in the past. I think in Pam's past relationship(s) Pam was likely the giver, probably close to 100% and so she just wasn't used to having her needs taken care of. I really love when they just simply want to see one another. It's just so sweet that they just want to be able to really see what their lover truly looks like. I love how blown away Jim is by how Pam looks but what I truly love is how completely you csptured Pam. Still trying to cover herself. Being self conscious and embarassed by her nakedness... makes me wonder if her past lover(s) even removed her top or paid attention to her at all! Anyhow I really thought your description of Jim kissing the confidence back into her. How could you possibly not know how perfect that is?

Anyhow I love as we follow along in their love making just how Jim is PERFECTLY in tune with his love. Pleasuring her and I'm sure noting what gets the best and worst reactions but then when he gets to 'that' part and he feels her stiffen, rather than simply forging ahead or abandoning it completely, he takes the time to talk her through it. He explains just how much
BecauseOfYouJam chapter 13 . 9/23/2013
This story is amazing! Definitely one of the best AU jam stories on this site! It says TBC... Oh how I wish that we're true!
Andorra97 chapter 13 . 5/14/2013
Aw, I only detected the story this evening and couldn't stop reading once I started. I really love the premise! Ellie is adorable and to see Jim as a Dad is wonderful.
I loved the slow building of the romance and really suffered with Jim when he got sick the night he wanted to sleep with Pam for the first time!
But now they finally did it and I loved this chapter, too. Very hot read! I'm sure I'm going to have sweet dreams tonight ;-P
Looking forward to read more!
Amanda chapter 13 . 5/12/2013
I freaking love this story! Please continue with it! Not many people on this site do Jim & Pam stories.
Ariana chapter 13 . 5/12/2013
Wow this chapter was STEAMY! Please keep going! I love this story so much.
Ariana chapter 7 . 5/12/2013
Awwww. Pam with Ellie is soo sweet.
Ariana chapter 4 . 5/12/2013
I liked this chapter. The story is pretty good so far.
dizzy - in - the - izzy chapter 13 . 5/5/2013
AHHH I love all of this. I started reading it this morning in a dreamy haze, and I had to go somewhere and was impatient to keep doing so! It's absolutely adorable, and I'm kinda sad to see it's been awhile since you've updated. Nonetheless, it's absolutely adorable, and I love it. I'll follow it just in case. :)
Heather chapter 13 . 12/23/2012
Love Love Love it! I have been reading it slowly to savor it bc it is that good!
comealongpond chapter 13 . 9/22/2012
I really love this story! Just so you know, though, the last chapter doesn't have quotation marks, for some reason... Which made it difficult to read. Actually, it was bugging me so much that I just didn't read this last chapter... But I loved the rest of the story!
Booger chapter 13 . 9/14/2012
THEY DID IT! It took you almost a year but it was well worth the wait.
thorteso chapter 13 . 9/11/2012
*Sigh* Such a good chapter! And i am so glad you updated! Looking forward to the morning after and more to come :)
drjamband chapter 13 . 9/10/2012
Yes! I was just thinking the other day how I missed this story! So happy you posted a new chapter! Love it!
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