Reviews for Hit the lights
Mendai Decovrii chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
This was really great! At first it was frustrating me that you were describing a canon scene in a non canon way, but then you made it a dream and THAT made this whole thing FANTASTIC. I do wish we'd gotten some nightmare-bound Dean in S4, but alas. He's got more problems keeping Purgatory from overwhelming him than he ever did hell. I also loved the way you held off on the resolution as long as you did. I was getting frustrated and almost claustrophobic myself reading again and again how he's clawing and fighting and its dark and he can't get out and he can't get out and he's clawing... I started to feel the need to claw my way out of something, too. I don't know if that's what you were going for, but it was very effective.
I know you didn't edit this after you wrote it, so I say this hesitantly, but I noticed you spelled safe, save. Just thought you'd want to know ;)
fanficfantasies chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
That was sad. But awesome at the same time.
Zinfer chapter 1 . 4/11/2012
This is so beautiful T_T way to b there Sam
SimplyOut chapter 1 . 6/11/2011
That was super intense and yet sweet. Loved it.
laily.spenstar chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Wow...I think this is what season 4 should having nightmare and couldn't snap out of 're right nobody can forget easily about being buried thinking!
gambitmoon chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
just found this fic from hoodietime and not much more can be said but its fantastic well done! love the gradual shift from dream to reality
Ryla chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
I was somewhat confused over your use of 'safe' vs 'save' in which you probably meant 'saved' instead of 'save' but still you said you're from Austria and that was a very minor point in a story thatI enjoyed very much. You did a great job and your stories are very readable; I'm glad you decided to start posting :D :D :D Thanks for your efforts and I think I'll go check out some of your other stories!
Knups chapter 1 . 3/22/2010
I loved the way you made my heart beat faster, excellent choice of words, there is nothing superfluous yet you paint the picture of fear and panic so well- very rare!
ukfan101 chapter 1 . 3/5/2010
really good job with this, the feelings of claustrophobia were well written, could feel Dean's panic, and I loved Sam's reassuring words that finally got through to Dean...good work
z chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
It may be a bit emo, as you say, but this was a good writing exercise. Felt myself getting short of breath reading this, very good job. In fact, if there were grammatical errors, I didn't notice, so caught up in the whole regulating my breathing thing. Tnaks for the fic.
borgmama1of5 chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
Found this on a rec list.

Really amazing-you had me right there gasping for air with Dean.
Marlowe97 chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
First, I'd like to comment your comment (ha!): Not, it was definitely in character! Hell ist terror al right, but being buried alive? always the fear in the back of your head that you escaped HELL and suffocate in a stupid pine-box? Phew. Speaking of freaked-out...

So what I reall, REALLY loved is the desperation your sentences evoke. I was out of breath reading and you transported the feeling of fear, terror, claustrophobia, hope, desparation, realization that it's all a sick game, more fear, more terror, less hope - and Sam.

This is really good, really a thing only a lingering dream can create in that breathless perfection - Wow. **

I've wondered how hard it must have been for Dean to claw his way out (just hope Sam didn't go with the standard six feet...) and maybe they could play wth it in the show - though I guess they just overlook it, the part in "Family Remains" ("Pleasnobodygrabmylegs...") the only reference. Maybe they just need to leave some room for Sam's state of mind, cause I guess Dean would be a walking phopia if the wasn't as strong (see, Sam!) as he is.

So congratulations, that fic is just fine and perfect.
Cal chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
I loved it! Like you, I'd loved to have seen some more on this in the show. Seems to me, digging your way out of your own grave has gotta have some repercussions, and although this ficlet is emo, I don't think it's out of character. Maybe takes it a little further than there's time for on the show (curse those hour slots...) but then, that's kinda the point of fanfic!
zuimar chapter 1 . 5/12/2009
Poor Dean, he really thinks he should keep his fears and emotions hidden away. I really love how in this one-shot he really clings to Sam. Awesome!
apieceofcake chapter 1 . 5/12/2009
Enjoyed, thank you!
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