Reviews for Drabble Challenge Rides Again
Guest chapter 98 . 5/24/2015
I love so many of these stories you wrote. Beautiful, awesome stuff. Sure, there were some I didn't like, but they were few and not very bothersome compared to some other ones (which were absolutely stunning, thank you very much).

I enjoyed this (though in my opinion, there was some stuff that was not meant for people searching for stories with a K rating. But, eh, that's my opinion).
SokkasFirstFangirl chapter 19 . 7/9/2012
That was sweet :) It really was. That's the only was I can describe it; cute, sweet and heart warming.
SokkasFirstFangirl chapter 1 . 7/9/2012
Wow...that was epic :O Crazy B is crazy
Faded Shadows chapter 98 . 3/9/2011
Spent quite a bit of time reading these 98 drabbles—I love how they all vary in different ways, and each represent the title. xD

Ya, I also think of Light and Kira as different poeple. But like you said, that doesn't make me forgive him. Bleh.

Anyway, update? :)
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 95 . 9/18/2010
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" at it's finest. Yeah I wouldn't want Misa mad at me ever. *shudder*
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 94 . 6/30/2010
Ah nice! See you didn't need my help at all. I'm glad you did the agreeing not accepting thing though kinda. :D
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 47 . 6/26/2010
So sad and so very true. :( That song never fails to make me done and a good way to alert people.
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 34 . 6/26/2010
Hahaha his Mafia buddies would have never let him survive if they found out. XD
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 23 . 6/10/2010
Holy cheese puffs! Misa hating Light's guts! Wow you have so many new things it's just plain awesome. I'm in love with this fic now I really am.
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 22 . 6/10/2010
I hadn't thought about Rem''s death affecting Misa but obviously it would. How sad. :(
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 21 . 6/10/2010
*smacks Mello* you hurt your only friend you jerk! Aw poor Matt. I imagine it must hurt like Hell to deal with that.
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 20 . 6/10/2010
Oh God poor Matt. I'm glad Mello realized breaking him would be super bad compared to just fear of the dark. The line where Mello thought Matt thought all families were like that was heartbreaking.
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 19 . 6/10/2010
Oh my! Yet another first that I've seen. Well I saw some girl!L pictures once but not fanfic. In the Deathnoteverse L's explanation makes a lot of sense sadly.
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 18 . 6/10/2010
Le gasp! You had a panda plushie in your story long before I did. Maybe it's distant cousins with The Fuzz *spooky noise* Matt is such a sweetie. Those poor poor Transformers though. Innocent victims shame on Mello!
Kari Twilight Mist chapter 17 . 6/10/2010
Wow Gealous POV another new thing. (did I spell his name right? o.0) I think the little guy deserved paradise for that.
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