Reviews for Precipice
S.L. Cooper chapter 1 . 8/11/2013
Good story. :)
pam halliwell chapter 1 . 5/2/2009
this is unbelievably brilliant! it's not onyl a great fanfic (because geez those are hard ot find nowadays) it's also really good on its descriptions were really wonderful, vintage blair/chuck at their brutal best.

it's funny this story made me realise i don' mind the new blair and chuck. i like them actually. people change and at leat they changed realistically and aren't carcicatures.

but this was like a little time machine. and i do miss this version of them. but maybe it's best this version of them is left in the past?

either way kudos. really incredible writing :)
Infinitywr chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
I love this! I can't wait for more! Very interesting take on Chuck's relationship with his mother.
Just-Plain-Roo chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
This story was very interesting. I've often wondered how Chuck's life would be if he was just estranged from his mother, as opposed to her being dead and I really enjoyed your take on it.

I really liked the Chuck/Blair dynamic in this too. How it's all hate and rage, but then after Blair finally expresses her anger towards him it's like it all just seeps away. I really hope that they can move past that now and be together properly.

I'd be really interested in seeing what happens between Chuck and Vivian too, maybe you might think about continuing it? ;)
kingrid chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
I really like this story! It really showed Chuck still in character even in this situation.I really liked this fic and I would be interested in knowing what happens next between and his mother. Great story!