Reviews for The Family
Crimson cat angel chapter 45 . 1/6/2017
Really good
westwindwaker chapter 45 . 2/4/2015
I really like your story :)
I'd never have guessed how this turned out from the description.
I 3 the relationship Daniel and Micheal have. I hope they get well.
sexycazzy chapter 45 . 3/4/2013
This was really good and I enjoyed it!

Am hoping that you are planning a sequel...please? :)
Agent ERA chapter 45 . 1/17/2013
Please tell me you have a sequel planned!
lalachoa chapter 45 . 6/26/2012
Is this story finished?
Zaraih chapter 45 . 6/20/2012
um, are you going to do a sequel? it was a bit of a cliff hanger. good story though! XD
klester1987 chapter 45 . 8/15/2011
Is it really complete?
fantasdancer chapter 45 . 7/26/2011
Fantastic chapter as always. it's great to hear from you again - you have been most sorely missed.

I can see where this story is going - sort of - although you have been known to throw a few whopping surprise twists from time to time.

I have to say that I have enjoyed this story immenseley and I do hope that you keep writing and finishing some of your brilliant Stargate stories.

I MISS Stargate an awful lot and it's stories like yours that keep it warm in my heart.


Did you mean to list this story as completed?
Patty1965 chapter 45 . 7/25/2011
I just read the entire story in one day and I really enjoyed it. I can't beleive that you intend to end it there. Is there a sequel planned?
sh777 chapter 45 . 7/25/2011
Thanks for the update, even if it is a mystery. :)
Maranda29 chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
Great story read it all the Furlings never saw that coming
KHLostEmpress chapter 44 . 3/20/2011
Well, well, well. The Furlings...I gotta admit that didn't really cross my mind while I was reading the story, but it sort of makes sense. But they're willing to trade medicine for chocolate, so it's not like anyone on Earth can really complain here.

Great chapter!
Raine24 chapter 44 . 3/20/2011
Ohh your back. I was just going through the stories that I on 'alert' and hoping that there would be an update to this story. I don't see why anyone would flame this. Its a great story and a very good chapter. Looking forward to the next chapter and I hope you update "The Learned One" soon. Its another one of my favorites.
fantasdancer chapter 44 . 3/20/2011
So nice to read one of your stories again. I'm looking forward to updates and conclusions for a lot of your stories.

As to this one -they're the Furlings? Well who'd have thunk it! This story was original and as always beautifully and skillfully written. Also original is the fact that the'y've finally come across a race that's not out to hurt, maim, or possess them. It's nice to see some nice aliens occassionally.
E. Nagrom chapter 43 . 7/26/2010
oh wow never knew you updated was reading it again as I like it so much :D

I'm glad we saw Allysa again was wondering what was going to happen to her and Jimmy.

Think Michael may be in a little bit of trouble when he returns to the SGC, not sure who is more angry: Hammond or Daniel lol

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