Reviews for Luigi and Pavi Go To the Zoo
Ms. Issippi chapter 10 . 5/27/2012
This story was so funny and so much fun to read, it's seriously one of the most awesome things I've ever read. Great job!
Jedi Arwen Sparrow Winchester chapter 10 . 9/21/2011
Steve is hilarious

The Llama bit and the chicken dance have now rendered me permanently ROFLing...thanks a lot :D

Gah your fics are insane! I FREAKING LOVE THEM! Haha
Jedi Arwen Sparrow Winchester chapter 4 . 9/21/2011

You are so awesomely perverted, LOL!

I love this stuff. Pavi is just too much. :P
Jedi Arwen Sparrow Winchester chapter 3 . 9/21/2011
"Look, Luigi!" Pavi cried out, straddling the statue. He placed his hands on the head of the giant insect, rocking back and forth. Luigi put a palm to his face. Random passerby gawked and snapped photos of the scene.

"I'm-a riding a millipede!"


"It feels-a nice, brother.."

Luigi's face reddened from either embarrassment or anger... or maybe something else. "Pavi, get off the damned thing!"

"But the Pavi's having fun!" The younger man held his mirror in the air, arm pulled back as if he was a cowboy with a hat.

o.O Holy smoke! Pavi you are one sick dude...(This shouldn't be making me laugh...stop laughing...)
Jedi Arwen Sparrow Winchester chapter 2 . 9/21/2011
*The limousine driver could only imagine what the two were doing.*

Oh my god...

Lol this is fantastic, Shovel. :)
Happy Sartre chapter 10 . 8/30/2011
I love this story so much. Yes, it's crack-y in places, but what would you expect with Luigi and Pavi at a zoo? And at any rate, this is much, much more well written than other crack!fics I've read. I found this story hilarious, which is really all that matters. :) Great job!
Chernaya chapter 7 . 7/1/2011
Wow. Steve Bob McSteve on TV is cooler than the Largos)
Elizabeth Roses chapter 4 . 4/25/2011
oh my god i am breath less from trying to hold in the laugh. this is way to funny to be llegal
whyisthissitesobad chapter 5 . 12/29/2010
Haha, personally I would never remember to tell people what yaoi was, I'd assume they knew, but that's because I can't imagine a life not blessed with yaoi...
Lizzmeister yo chapter 10 . 5/29/2010
Even if this was a bit crack-y, I was laughing nearly the whole way through. It really brightened up my day~

Luigi and Pavi ftw~!
THE REPO MAN chapter 10 . 4/12/2010
this was so funny... i love pavi and luigi... there awesome.

the thing about avenged sevenfold are you a fan, there a awesome band

PEACE: the repo man
sup-stephhh chapter 10 . 4/9/2010
pure genius...
daylightvampire chapter 10 . 3/25/2010
poor steve bob Mcsteve. please bring him back to life he cracks me up1 ;
Aggravate.the.Axe chapter 10 . 3/20/2010
Aww, I liked the ending~

Aggravate.the.Axe chapter 7 . 3/20/2010
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