Reviews for Source
scarlettravencrove chapter 14 . 11/10/2018
Hope you continue this is amazing
AnimeFreak71777 chapter 14 . 6/3/2018
kirosyamcha chapter 2 . 5/26/2018
this main girl is like angsty and cant make a decision to save her life :/
Guest chapter 14 . 4/22/2018
Still hopelessly waiting for you to finish this story :)
SirensSingg chapter 14 . 4/12/2017
more pls. I love your writing style and oh my goodness. those steamy moments owo though I kind of miss the slight hints at Travis and Sabertooth
SpiderPool chapter 9 . 3/22/2017
This stories so good while being infuriating and kind of depressing and so angst all at once. Your oc is good with rolling with the punches but it's like she decided to go twenty rounds with ninjas who decided to be world champion fighters in their off time.
It's just one thing after another and the whole story is great and well written but I just can't read anymore becuase it's making me way to anxious and upset reading it. Which sucks becuase it's a good story but I'm the cursed type of person who over sympathizes and places themselves in other people's shoes, and holey shit do you know just how horrible and awful it would be to go through your oc situation - stupid question since you wrote it.

It makes me so angry and annoyed the X-Men treated her like an unruly pet they could keep locked up and ignore. Like she had to have a cool mutation for them to care about her and then everyone is constantly betraying her and I have no idea how she forgives one of them becuase I hold a helluva grudge so forgiving isn't a thing with me, more like hidden resentment while avoiding confrontation - I know I'm a well adjusted and mentally healthy individual.

Sorry for writing all this shit but honestly I had to tell you this or I'd spend the next couple of hours just thinking about this story. Which I can't tell you the reason why I reacted this way to it becuase I'm no stranger to angst, drama, betrayal, or anything else that's you'd see under the spectrum of emotional fuckitry. I've read far more horrifying things but for some reason I just can't with this story.

Maybe it's becuase of Deadpool betraying her and then saving her while he sort of cares and she just smiled at him like that was just a-okay and hunky dory with her and all is forgiven. I don't know.

So yeah... still a good story though. To lighten this whiny comment up though I'll just leave with a quote I heard in a anime once from a half-gaint bearded man holding an umbrella.

"You're a mutant Logan."
CidySmiley chapter 14 . 3/15/2017
I hope that you will update this story because I love it. It's hard to find good character representation and you do a great job! Your character is hilarious and likeable and I only hope that you'll glance at this story again sometime!
Solanum Red chapter 13 . 5/5/2016
And strong, she is also very strong.
Solanum Red chapter 14 . 5/5/2016
Oh I love Travis so much. Her casualness amuses is amusing and clashes well with Deathpool and the mystery surrounding her is intriguing. Please continue!
BoulderKuzon chapter 14 . 2/10/2016
This story is great, cant wait for update :D
K9Train chapter 14 . 2/1/2016
SO I'm fairly interested in Travis' role in this. It'll be exciting to find out what's going on!
Guest chapter 14 . 1/9/2016
I love this story please Update! :)
kai-bloodphoenix chapter 14 . 9/3/2015
please please please please please update! this is so fricking awesome! Travis is literally one of the best OC's ever!
mercenary2.0 chapter 14 . 7/11/2015
Please keep updating! And it is not nice to trick people like that, I really thought deadpool was back!
The Girl Who Hides In Shadows chapter 14 . 5/19/2015
Please update this it is my favourite Deadpool fanfic
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