Reviews for Us and Them
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
If Dean had realized how hard his death had affected Sam things would have been much better!
Augmented Pirate chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
Aaw this was cute :3 brotherly love n' whump, my favorites :D
jrztroubadour chapter 1 . 1/20/2012
Loved your story, very insightful, you manage to express my thoughts on Dean's attitude very accurately. Thanks for sharing!
ccase13 chapter 1 . 9/20/2011
Sam was definitely in bad shape at the end of that episode.
Demon Sam Winchester chapter 1 . 6/16/2011
Im a HUGE fan of your stories!

***So I didnt log in but Im an Author! So could u read my stories? I would love to have some of your opions for my books!***

- You forgot hoow Sam also had a long strip of duct tape around his waist (Only mistake) -

Anyway, I love this one! Jump The Shark was one of my favorite episodes in Season 5. I miss the brotherly love in the show! But, if you saw Swan Song, then you should of seen some brotherly love moments! Two of the most brotherly scenes, that were also my favorite parts out of the whole Season or Show, were when Dean told Bobby and Cas that he was going to go talk too Sam even after Lucifer took over his vessel (Sam) body, although it wont work like it hadnt before, when Lucifer was pretending tthat Sam still had control of his own body, and he would die with his brother, willing not to let Sam die alone. The seacond part was when, Lucifer was beating th living crap out of Dean in the battle field, in Lawrence, Kansas, one of my favorite brotherly love lines that Dean says starts out with this...

Dean grabs Sams jacket.

"Sam... its ok... its ok Im here! Im not going to leave you!" Dean stated

Sam (Lucifer) smacks Dean in the face two more painful,deadly hits. *Here is my favorite brotherly line...*


Keep writing!


P.S. Call me Sam for short (winks) ;)
Yellowbulma chapter 1 . 12/21/2009
I loved your story, I hate how everyone's saying it's all Sam's fault, Dean isn't exactly perfect (
mousefiction chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
Great job.
UnicornLoki chapter 1 . 8/23/2009
God. I wish they would have done this with the ep. I liked this story it was really good. Wounder if you have any more?
doyleshuny chapter 1 . 7/13/2009
I LOVED that! So sweet. It wasn't "sappy" at all. I think it's so cool how tight these two brothers are. FANTASTIC! (:
Farrahmack chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
I agree! This season was definetly not my favorite,I was definitely happy with the season finale thought!
Scullspeare chapter 1 . 5/3/2009
Great motel fix-up.

"Sam had been through too much in the past year. He had been through too much alone." I loved this insight - up to this point, Dean has been dealing with his own PTSD from his time in Hell. I think that only since It's a Terrible Life has he been emotionally strong enough to fully absorb the impact of what Sam went through, too. I love that protective big brother Dean is starting to re-emerge, and you did a great job tapping into that.

And no, it wasn't too sappy. Given everything that's going on with the Winchesters, a little brotherly bonding moment is always welcome.

Great read.

Cheers, Sculls
Dianne chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
Yay! Yes, the limp Sam was left out in that episode and he got up way too quick from that horrible ordeal, even though he drinks demon blood. I liked your story, Dean to the rescue was very appropriate here. I wish we could have a little more brotherly moments in this season, even just Dean patching him up or calling him Sammy. I noticed he didn't call him Sammy in that episode, but rather called him buddy. I miss the Sammy stuff. This was great!
vonnie836 chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
I loved this. Just what I needed to fix my need for limp Sam after this episode. I wanted to scream at Kripke for ignoring that need. Awesome. Hugs, Vonnie
SUPRNTRAL LVR chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
Loved this fic so much! :) I agree - Kripe has completely ditched the limp this season and I miss it! This was a really great AU.

ephiny63 chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
Hey honey

Sigh, that was just right and I really wish that Kripke would get his head out of his ... and get the brothers back in sync with each other. I don't read a lot of tags but I love your work so it was not a problem clicking on this one and dang it all it was just right.

My poor Sammy, that episode wrenched my heart, and even though I can write the nasty stuff and booboos easily sometimes too easily it was hard going watching that scene. You did it complete justice.

Take care my friend

hugs Shelley
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