Reviews for 10 Tails
GenocidalLove chapter 1 . 11/2/2010


(scratches neck bashfully)

there, uhm, IS a 10 tail demon.

thats, like, the ultimate goal of Akatsuki; to bring all the seperate biju together and reunite them as the 10 tails...


it resembles the statue in the Akastuki lair...


X-Burner 27 chapter 18 . 5/22/2009
Ah, what a good read. Though its always a pain to see a story end, this ending was quiet satisfying and worth it. The Death of the Run away cat was something I've been waiting for and now I've finally seen it.

Well, since you're done now, there's only one thing to say.

I'm looking forward to reading more work by you,

Write on! ! !
KakashiKrazed chapter 18 . 5/21/2009
Although it was sad to see the story end - it was satisfying to see the loose ends tied up - such as having Kakashi able to teach Naruto and Gaara about their new slave/master relationship with the tailed-demons...

The funeral scene was a rather sneaky way to add a bit of comic-relief into a story filled with tension...poor kitty!

Right up until the moment when you revealed the picture of the cat I must admit to wondering who was being buried...well done!

Glad to see Kakashi and Lael survived the ordeal - and that their relationship seems to have metamorphasized into something new...

Thanks for sharing your tale with us all...

KittyKatze20 chapter 18 . 5/19/2009
YEA! TORA IS DEAD! That is one cat I refuse to mourn. Now. aw, the end of a good fic is always a sad event. And I would usually be demanding a sequal, but you ended it well (/7
Prescripto13 chapter 18 . 5/19/2009
That mind-reading trick at the very end was a good finish. I enjoyed reading it!
Prescripto13 chapter 17 . 5/18/2009
Lael's resignation to his fate was strongly conveyed in this one, as was Kakashi's fight against it. Good work!
X-Burner 27 chapter 17 . 5/17/2009
That was great. As 'Krazed said, intense. The complexity of this chapter and also how it explains any other things about the story is amazing.

I can't even imagine what's gonna be in the epilogue,

Update VERY soon,

Write on!
KakashiKrazed chapter 17 . 5/17/2009
That was intense...the complexity of what Lael planned with the Song of Destruction was well detailed...seeing that Lael was there to protect the other tailed beast, in addition to Kakashi was a nice twist...and that 'Alec's' father finally saw the error of his ways was a nice touch...learning that Kakashi was the heir - but that the sharingan tainted him made Sil's desicion to ressurrect him all the more interesting...and having Lael and Kakashi work hand in hand to attack the chakra form of Sil was satisfying to read...I look forward to seeing what gets explained in the epilogue...

KittyKatze20 chapter 17 . 5/17/2009
Ack, I hate cliffhangers, they are so annoying! I love your story though. Please update quickly!
X-Burner 27 chapter 16 . 5/16/2009
Will Lael Die? Will Sasuke stay? What will happen next?

All these questions are running through whoever is reading this, and you're doing a good job at doing that.

Update soon,

Write on!
Prescripto13 chapter 16 . 5/16/2009
The chaotic nature of this battle comes across well thanks to the different points-of-view that you're using. Nice job!
KakashiKrazed chapter 16 . 5/15/2009
Ah - and so the plot thickens...and any disjointed confusion left over from the previous chapter is washed away by the POVs of the clones...Lael's plans are so complex...and his care to mark the villagers and friends is interesting - but still I wonder just what part Kakashi is meant to play in all this...because it seems strange that Sil would have gone to such trouble to resurrect Kakashi if all he is meant to do is stand by and watch especially if Lael would do this and end up dead - because if Lael would die if Kakashi dies...isn't it possible that Kakashi might die if Lael does? hm - you have me pondering all the many different ways this tale could go...But still - there is so much you have to reveal yet that I eagerly await the next chapter to see just what the song will do ... and just which path your tale will take.

KittyKatze20 chapter 16 . 5/15/2009, keep it up, you have me hooked, so please don't leave me hanging for too long
Prescripto13 chapter 15 . 5/15/2009
Good work on this one-I enjoyed it!
Prescripto13 chapter 14 . 5/14/2009
Good work on this one-I enjoyed reading it!
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