Reviews for The World Has Turned And Left Me Here
DeletedConfirm chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
Hello there!
Fandom blinder here. So I may have a lot of difficulty understanding this world and you are more than welcome to correct me. I gather that Doctor Who is a TV show fandom and it is base on science fiction. I heard that my classmates are obsessed with the show. Somehow I never got around to it. But I am a reader who reads for entertainment!

There's a lot of subject that weights on matter of time, space and on the whole, 'Doctor' of him being not real. At first, I was a little confuse. But then again it is because I am fandom blind. After reading it twice, I told myself, wait on a second this person Rose (was it) is going on about the Doctor as a creation but not at all a human. Is that what you are getting at? It sounds like an interesting fandom.

Cause if it is base on a Doctor or human if you will, not at all real but a fiction/creation, I am already thinking on Final Fantasy VII where there is a perfect soldier, two false soldier is created and unable to heal when he is injured. That was what I was reminded of. Another fandom TV I was reminded of was a very old movie I use to study for ESL and no joke, Edward Scissor hands. Sure you heard of it! It's about him being not real either!

There are a couple of descriptions I have very much enjoyed:
"TARDIS. Even now when she has laid the ghost of the past to rest, the word hits her like a kick in the guts."
"The soft, crooning note in hs voice when the ship made strange shutting sound that boded ill for all of them." - Indeed, he sounds like a very odd Doctor despite him being REAL.
"The waves crash against the shore."
"The sand shifts under her feet." - the description base on the beach was indeed imaginable and I presume you are referring to Bad Wolf Bay or B&B.

I was hoping a little teensy information base on TARDIS. I'm not sure if this could be an organisation or a character. But I am betting it is. Overall, I shall see to the following chapters as to how to concept of your drabble will turn out. Well done! :)
reminiscent-afterthought chapter 2 . 10/25/2014
E recommends this chapter, and I can see why. :D I love the writing style throughout it, the way the "Blink" is repeated in order to make certain bits of the scene more prominent - and the changing of the scenes. Brings out time beautifully, particularly the somewhat unique nature of it in the Doctor Who universe. I almost wish I knew more of the context.

Beautifully written. :D
reminiscent-afterthought chapter 1 . 10/25/2014
About 98% fandom blind. :D I know there are multiple doctors and something time-wobbly but that's about it.

I think you've shown the relationship between Rose and the doctor beautifully. The way she's able to distinguish between the different doctors even when they look and act the same. How she's able to distinguish between the one who loves her and the one she loves - and the cyclic nature as to which the story finishes is beautiful as well.

The only part that really confuses me is "She turns around, and there he is, just like before" - is that another element of the multiple universes, or is it just something fleeting? Or metaphorical?

A lovely little ficlet. :D
Luna Rapunzel chapter 6 . 10/23/2014
'Later he will think... Koschei suddenly decides he likes Theta very much.' - Some of my favorite lines in the one-shot right here.

'the game (this game, he should say)' - AGH PERFECT.

The Doctor's reaction at this moment - 'Theta stares at him for a long moment. "That depends on what it is," he replies, nervousness clear in his voice. "Tell me first."' - seems so fitting of how he'd react one the Master's heard the drums. It's not a big point, I don't know, but I liked it.

This whole part - '"It's not fair," he mutters, fighting tears... And that Koschei cannot stand.' - was spectacularly worded, and such a fitting description of both their personalities, even reflective of the person we know the Doctor will grow to be. (I thought this entire scene was brilliantly clever, by the way, with the mind control trick: it almost felt like a premonition.)

'Theta's second betrayal comes a few days later. He runs away.' - PERFECT that he runs away at /this/ point in your narrative, PERFECT that the Master sees it as betrayal, my god you are so good at this.

'There is a sound, a cry of pain, and he doesn't need to look at her to know what he has done.' - A little lost at what's happening here. (Also, not to say that the rest of it isn't well written! but I feel like it might have been more powerful to cut the fic off at the previous line I mentioned and leave off the last two scenes, just because then it's a very specific summary of a very specific point in their relationship and that punch it packs at the end is great, too. The irony of the flop of who's crying at the end is great, though, by the way.)
zanganito chapter 4 . 10/23/2014
I like that your opening starts out with Wilf’s reflection on Donna (and Donna’s temperament). I think it says a lot about how dynamic and passionate he considers her to be like “a live grenade.”

I also like how you twist that first meaning in the second paragraph, with the “live grenade” not referring to Donna’s temper anymore, but hidden memories that he doesn’t want to unleash (or explode). He’s not sure what might trigger the hidden memory, so he had to be careful, almost like how he would have to treat a grenade.

/ the old Donna would have been as guilty as Wilf himself of turning a blind eye. / I like this section, and how it shows a way in which Donna has changed. She’s optimistic and determined and thinks she can change the world (because she has to some extent changed other planets).

The ending is interesting too. Wilf shouts “Medic” to avoid saying “Doctor, since he probably thinks that that would be a trigger word that would bring back her memories. Nothing happens, which makes me wonder if Donna really remembered the whole time, but her grandfather didn’t realize it, or if remembering wasn't the shock he thought it would be.

Nice work!
zanganito chapter 2 . 10/23/2014
I admit, this oneshot is kind of confusing. I really like it though. I haven’t seen the episode(s) this oneshot is referencing, so I might have missed out on some of the deeper meaning on this one.

I like the repetition of “Blink”, and how you’ve sort of used it as a scene breaker. I’m guessing this is related to when time passes quickly, it’s said to happen in the blink of an eye?

I also like your opening line, with the metaphor of “wallpaper peeling away like the skin of an onion.” I think that maybe to some extent this is a theme for this chapter. It might appear to be random snippets of Sally’s life, but like an onion, there are more layers when you look deeper.

It seems like behind Sally’s life, there are one or two deeper or hidden themes (and they are possibly connected). One seems to be a missed opportunity. She had a chance to go somewhere with the Doctor, but apparently gave it up to stay with Larry.

The other part is wondering is one of the Weeping Angels is stealing parts of her life away. Is her life really just passing so fast on its own, or is it being stolen away? Does it really matter if the end result is the same? I also really liked your wording in the part where she’s wondering about the Weeping Angels. It gives a creepy, unsettling vibe to this oneshot.

Thanks for posting, this was a unique, enjoyable read! :)
zanganito chapter 1 . 10/23/2014
I like how you start out with two of the things that are most important in this oneshot. Rose meeting the Doctor, and him telling her he “could feel the world turning.” I like how you’ve used these as a theme for the entire oneshot. Rose’s relationship with the Doctor, what he means to her and how she thinks of him, and the idea of “feeling the world turning”, which could mean a lot of different things; and I like how you explore Rose finding what it means to her.

I also really really loved your wording throughout this piece, and thought it felt very poetic. One line I especially liked was : / a thousand tiny, invisible hands plucking at every inch of her, trying to pull her away. / to describe the wind. I also liked how you connected the wind pulling at her with going away on an adventure.

/ Gone. The Doctor – her Doctor – is gone again, and yet . . . not gone. Because he's still here, isn't he? / I like this section, and I think it does a good job of conveying Rose’s sense of loss. The previous Doctor, the one she met is gone, and she feels the pain of losing him. But on the other hand, he’s been regenerated, so he’s still around in a sense, but he’s not the same.

The section with “Her Doctor” was interesting since it showed the difference between his previous form and his current one, and how Rose felt about the difference.

/There is so much to think about, so much to puzzle out, that it makes her dizzy. / I like how you use this sentence to sort of link Rose’s uncertainty and confusion over change with the “world turning” theme.

This was a very enjoyable oneshot. Thanks for sharing!
Cheile chapter 2 . 10/22/2014
[still fandom-blind]

This was definitely an odd chapter. I've heard about these weeping angels and how you're not supposed to blink. Is Sally Sparrow being stalked by one? I like the idea she has of reaching out to touch the image and having it melt into reality (I presume the "he" is the Doctor?) Also wondering what would have happened if she'd gone with him is a nice touch—the fun of what-ifs is that they can be fun...or they can drive you crazy. Kinda sounds like it's doing the latter to her.

Given how she seems to be fading from young to old and back again, I am unsure if she is daydreaming or hallucinating, but while confusing, the bouncing images are still a fun concept because you're never quite sure where Sally is—or when. Ah, the glorious fun of time-travel and time paradoxes XD the ticking clock echoing in her head is a great touch to round it out.

Odd but interesting chapter.
Great Angemon chapter 4 . 10/22/2014
Since Wilf is my favorite pseudo-companion from Doctor Who, I thought I'd do this one first, if you don't mind. :P

I liked this. I thought that it was a really nice story. It's really sad that it came after Donna got her mind wiped, but it made it really interesting. I loved how Wilf was always trying to keep the small things away from her. I don't think that sci-fi shows about spaceships and fake looking aliens would trigger anything, to be honest, lol. :D

You captured the way Donna acts whenever she starts to remember perfectly, like getting all dreamy and distant, so kudos for that.

I only have two things that I really saw that got to me, so here ya go. The first is the tense you wrote this in. It wasn't you, because it was really well written. You didn't slip out of it once, which is a really hard thing. It's just a personal thing that I dislike. idk

The other thing is your comma usage. You occasionally dropped one in where it wasn't needed, like here:

"But these days, she resembles a live grenade more than ever" That comma could be taken out, and it'd seem less clunky. But maybe that's just me.

Anyway, great job! I loved this piece.
Luna Rapunzel chapter 5 . 10/22/2014
Crappy review this afternoon, I'm afraid, since in reading from mobile. Your incorporation on the theme of red was so stunning in this with every mention of it worded so distinctly and poignantly and how well it would capture the scene in which it was found at that time - the "red rimmed" paragraph at the mirror was probably what I thought was your most spectacular incorporation of it - and it was prominent /just/ enough, not overdone. I loved your wording in the kiss paragraph, the language was just beautiful, and your use of blood as such a sharp yet natural transition into the following and starkly contrasting scene. Also a standout to me was the moment when he was tapping on Lucy's back, just such stylistically wonderful wording there about the drumming, and it hit /hard/ and powerful when you raise the issue again that she begins to hear it too, even again in the last line as Harry's cruelty replaces it. Spectacular.
Luna Rapunzel chapter 4 . 10/22/2014
'"You never see Donna," he remembers her mother grumbling, as she stared at the demolished play-room, "but you know where she's been, alright."' - This line is SO perfect, both in the humor of the dialogue and the accurate characterizations of both Donna (in this description of her) and her mother (in her speech patterns and the way she speaks about her daughter).

The entire bit about the TV commercial onward to the end of that paragraph was just spot-on as well. You've done such a phenomenal job in this 'shot of portraying Wilf's pride of Donna, so accurately and clearly conveying that part of his character from the show, and this was just such a lovely example of you completely nailing canon and Donna's personality too, how she's saved worlds, how /Wilf/ remembers so fondly but with such pain as well how she's saved worlds.

Oh god, that ending. That killer, /killer/ ending. You just so completely nailed everything in this piece, oh /my/ god, how you did.

Just a couple of grammar nitpicks that I want to point out:

'Wilf grins a little, as he adds sugar to his tea.' - Shouldn't be a comma here.

'He only wishes it was her temper he had to fear.' - Should be 'were,' since you're using subjunctive mood here, always a wonky one.

'Television, of course, is turning out to be Wilf's biggest nemesis.' - nemeses is the plural form.

'They are midway through desert when it happens.' - should be 'dessert.' (I do LOVE the phrasing of this sentence, though, as a side note - 'when it happens' - I don't even fully understand why, but that's just such a lovely and subtle piece of foreshadowing to what you're about to say in the next few sentences, I don't know - and that repetition at the end of the paragraph - just UGH lovely.)
Cheile chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Here from RLT and painfully fandom-blind, but I can muddle along anyway.

First off, I adore the story title—it reminds me of Andromeda, which always had unique titles for its episodes. It also helps set the mood for this first part.

Rose understanding what the Doctor felt (the feel of the world turning) and then experiencing that weirdness for herself is a great study in contrast. Because having someone describe a sensation to you is one thing—to FEEL it yourself, totally the opposite. Eerie, almost.

I've always been confused with the whole regenerating thing and it's nice to see a bit of confusion in her too—the "HER Doctor is gone and yet not". Probly makes more sense to the fandom-savvy, but even reading it from a non-savvy POV, I find it interesting. It's a nice conundrum.

Her reflection on the Doctor she knew is a great little touch—the small things she loves him for. It's always the minutiae that makes a person interesting, makes them three-dimensional.

I'm guessing they've somehow switched roles? Because you say at the end that he is not in control anymore. I dunno what will be in the next parts but I wouldn't mind seeing one from his POV later on if it's not already in there.

Nicely done.
NeoMiniTails chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Congratulations on being RLt's Story of the Week!

Fandom blind!

"She always believed him" - I always love lines like this. It's a rather telling line that is needed and shows just how much she trusts and cares for him. It shows that despite all the badness that's probably happened, she's believed not just his words, not just what he stood for, but also that she believed "IN HIM." With this line, I knew that I was going into a fantastic story of love and/or friendship.

what confuses and bemuses the most, the Doctor - This line worked really well for me. What makes it stand out for me is the lines about innocent lives lost and other very seemingly dark subjects, and yet, it was one person who stayed on her mind the most. It shows just how much he has affected her.

Even now, when she laid the ghost of the past to rest, the word hits her like a kick in the guts. - Loved this... again, building upon the other lines, you show just how much she's affected by her memory of him. The fact that "TARDIS," a word so in touch with him, affects her so much really shows how connected she feels to him and how much she missed him.

his touch as soft as a mother's caress- Beautiful description of his gentleness.

"I can feel the world turning..." - Lovely ending line.

I thought you did an awesome job on this and can see why you were chosen for the SOTW.

Until Next Time,
Keep it up,
MissScorp chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Hi there! Congrats on being nominated for the RLt’s SOTW for the week of 10/20/2014! :) I am painfully fandom blind here, but that shouldn’t be a problem for me (it never is usually!). What makes this piece amazing is how Rose links the instability and chaos of the Doctor against her Doctor who is stable and orderly. We really get to see what the world of the Doctor is like through the eyes of Rose in this piece and it’s not a normal life in the least. In fact, the best two lines of the piece are the opening one here: ((The first time she met the Doctor, he told her he could feel the world turning.)) and the final one: (("I can feel the world turning . . . .")) because they reveal just how abnormal the world of the Doctor is.

Here: ((Time and space. Time and Relative Dimension in Space . . . TARDIS.)) I just love the flow of the words and how you inform me about what the TARDIS stands for. It’s almost poetic the way the words flow.

This: ((Even the way he shied away from that word, the L-word, as though it might burn his tongue.)) tells me a lot about the Doctor. Clearly he’s someone reserved and who fears making a commitment. I’m going to assume that that is because of his chosen status as the Doctor and the demands that his being the Doctor puts upon him. I’m also going to assume he’s broken and damaged. Considering everything that he sees, that he has to go through and what he ends up doing at times, there’s no way that it isn’t going to affect him psychologically.

In all, this was a really lovely piece that shows how chaotic the life of the Doctor can be. Great job!
Ersatz Einstein chapter 1 . 10/21/2014
Small nitpick: the phrase "a kick in the guts" seemed somewhat out of keeping with the general tone and sentence structure pattern.
Aside from that, you have a wonderfully ambiguous tone, reflecting Rose's own confusion. I wasn't quite sure what to make of the last line, which only made it more interesting and powerful. The deliberate overuse of commas leant a drifting, thought-reminiscent feel to the chapter.
And of course, there were some delightful details. I particularly enjoyed the phrase, "a thousand tiny, invisible hands plucking at every inch of her."
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