Reviews for A Chance Encounter
Hfhgrghgf chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
xxDarkxxStarxx chapter 1 . 7/20/2010
Gosh, I loved this story. Why can't there be more Laurie/Rorschsch romances?
DuQaine chapter 1 . 5/20/2010
I thought I should drop a review to round the count to a solid twenty. Anyhoo, I've only recently watched the movie and I'm completely captivated by Rorschach's character. In the movie, Rorschach and Laurie bickering were particularly interesting, and it made me curious if anyone decided to explore their relationship. I'm incredibly glad that you did. It's very well written, they were kept in-character; the POV and plot was very imaginative and refreshing to read. Excellent job.
RoaringFall chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
Subtle, but stands out.

I like!
marcie chapter 1 . 2/2/2010
laurie and walter belong together. dan is so GAY and i think jon forgets that he has a penis sometimes.
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
Vicious KwEeN chapter 1 . 8/2/2009
This was definitely a wonderful read! Both of them were incredibly in character for the most part and I really loved where you went with the story! It was pretty much perfect!
ArmoredSoul chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
Most curious...

I always wondered where Laurie came from on the subject of Rorschach.

I mean, throughout both the film and graphic novel, she seemed to express dislike of him, but dislike along the lines of hearsay and not actually having any experience with the character herself.

As if she only disliked him because pretty much everyone else did, and had no real opinion of him herself.

This is an interesting possible outing for the pair, and I found it most intriguing.

Very well done.
neatfreaky chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
Cool story, I very much enjoyed reading it.
ely.faye chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
"You're not going to drop me down an elevator shaft when I least suspect it, are you?"

Ha, I can see that easily.

You describe action and such very well, do you know what I mean? I could see very clearly what you wrote in my head, and the writing just kept flowing along, there were no awkward descriptions.

I have no clue if that just made any sense, lol.

Great story :D
Gabreya chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
This is pretty cool and nice story. I knew Laurie had a thing for Dan and Jon but Walter, too? Wow. It was nice of her to help him with his wound, even if he was acting like such a douche about it at first. And boy, Laurie's emotions and desires got the best of her when she made her risque move on him. Lol! Glad he he wasn't to mad about that and thanked her for nursing his wound.

I wish you continue this. It's really good.
Videogamegirl chapter 1 . 5/18/2009
Awesome little story you have here, enjoyed it a lot.
JeSuisChele chapter 1 . 5/2/2009
I really appreciated your story. Short and sweet. I love that.

And this: "Laurie's eyes moved back to his mouth just as his tongue flicked out to lick away the last remnants of sugar. Instantly she couldn't help but be curious if he'd ever ran his tongue along someone else's lips, if he'd ever once had a girl? Not in the way men have a prostitute in a filthy alley, but in the way a young man is sweet on his pretty classmate, or the way Jon cared for her." made my throat tighten. It doesn't happend often in Watchmen stories that I feel like that, but I'm sure glad to have found this feeling, in your fic.

I'll say: "Nice job." in case the story is completed.


I'll say: "Update soon." if you intented to continue it!

.T T.
New Wonder chapter 1 . 4/22/2009
Wow. *drools happily* This story is pretty well-written, and Rorschach and Laurie are reasonably IC (I think Laurie wouldn't want to kiss Rorschach because she hates him and Rorschach wouldn't undress in a woman's presence, but still their behaviour remains believable). I love the way you described Laurie's feelings about Jon, it was positively priceless. I support soaringphoenix86: this story most definitely needs a sequel! (multichaptered pls not enough r/ssII T_T)
Kairan1979 chapter 1 . 4/22/2009
I liked it. Rorschach' response for Laurie's actions is very in character.
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