Reviews for The Road To Corsa
Lady Julie Snape chapter 9 . 2/7/2016
This ...

This ...

This has to be one of the most beautiful, the most stunning, the most gorgeously written stories I have EVER read in my entire life. This is how the series needs to end. I can live with this. And I can smile through my tears.

Thank you for this wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful gift!
Kimackay chapter 9 . 7/23/2013
Thanks so much for a brilliant story!
Allow Me To Speak chapter 9 . 8/3/2011
Though I had thought of it in a different way, I have to say that I had the same thought about the marriage. If Estora were the one to break the contract, the eastern provinces would have no grounds for refusing aid to Zachary should he so need it. That, and it would make everybody in the equation very happy. XD

Very nice story. I do enjoy it. It was well written, well-timed, and the characters were kept realistic. You did a marvelous job.

- Sil
Yelizaveta.13 chapter 9 . 10/4/2010
I like this! Hope you update soon, I'll be looking out for it!
HeartlessFallenAngel chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
Nice ;D
Harm Marie chapter 9 . 7/19/2010
I liked this and would love to read future stories.
Lauramichca chapter 9 . 7/15/2010
Nice, you tied things up just enough, without trying to finish the whole series.

Thanks for posting this!
LV3950 chapter 9 . 7/15/2010
aww. So cute and perfectly sappy (or awful, as Karigan put it). And there is nothing wrong with happy, fulfilled endings; they're better then nothing at all!

And yeah, we should all probably reread the series before February. So exciting! I can't wait for Blackveil!
lburton874 chapter 9 . 7/14/2010
I really like the ending. How even I dont the service will realase her anytime soon
PeaceRoseG'ladheon chapter 1 . 7/12/2010
update soon!
GreenCondor1 chapter 9 . 7/12/2010
Great chapter :) Continue plz!You write really well!
LV3950 chapter 8 . 7/8/2010
Ack! Mean! Of course we all know the ending, we've read it a dozen times by a dozen different authors, but it's so nice to read it again anyway.
SF chapter 8 . 6/12/2010
I am not even sure that is still the initials for my username :)

Just for leaving us hanging, you do not get reviews. So there! Just kidding, lol.

It was a good chapter, but why cut it off? You fanfiction authors are so mean... (i just insulted myself... i am so smart) :)

Update soon, if you can. But do not necessarily slack off on exams for us. We are like dogs. We forgive when you start being nice again. :)
madxhatter chapter 8 . 6/11/2010
Damn you!

Fantastically written, fantastic characterization and fantastic story line. I'm glad the plot bunnies have got a hold of you cause you're a great writer and this is one of the best green rider fics I've read in a ling time.

Ok I'll stop with the gushing I'm just so happy to read a well written story again! Though I have to say Zachary is a bit self centered... just my impression!
DramoSkye chapter 8 . 6/9/2010
awesome story
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