Reviews for A Xanthly Dream
Sissy Boo chapter 4 . 4/9/2016
Where is the rest of this story?
Sissy Boo chapter 2 . 4/9/2016
So far so good. I love Xanth.

However, you need to watch out for te homophones. Gates an entry through a fence. You want to use the gait for the pace of a horse or Centaur.
MarisaCan'tRememberHerPassword chapter 4 . 10/30/2011
And this was all in a dream? Fantastic! Please keep it going.
Deleted Account Pending Remove chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
Hey, super-cute story! You have a real talent, if I dare say so, for writing Xanthly narration. ;) It's almost like reading classic old-school Xanth, which I haven't gotten to read any of for the first time since forever! (Oops, what I just said was incoherent. Oh well!)

Nova makes a great Xanth protagonist. I love her talent! I wish I had it myself! Seriously, you seem really familiar with Xanth and this fic looks like it's off to an excellent start. Now, shame on everyone who reads this and doesn't take the time to review! XD

Off to read the next chapter!
