Reviews for Summer Snowflake
ForestGreenSun chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
I love this soooo much. Miyako is just wonderful. I love her.

I can't really express how much I love this story. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried when I found out that it's been years since it last updated.

I love this and I love you for writing this. Thank you.
GrimoireofParadoxes chapter 13 . 4/4/2018
This is really well written. I don't usually read Bleach fan fictions but this is something else. Miyako's character is complex and I always look forward to reading the next chapter. Thanks for writing this!
Codenameyikes chapter 21 . 3/28/2018
I love this so much
dianalillian chapter 21 . 12/24/2017
Hello there. I would just like to express how much I love this story. I think the best thing about this fanfic is the pace you set between Miyako and Byakuya. I think it would just feel odd for their relationship to progress too quickly, considering Byakuya's present personality. And that leads me to the next best thing about this story, which is capturing the characters well, especially Byakuya. Of course, it goes without saying that I love your character Miyako! I hope you update soon! Happy holidays! :)))
Guest chapter 21 . 12/22/2017
This fic is sooo good. Love miyako
Serayuki chapter 21 . 4/13/2017
Hey I know it's been nearly 4 years so I'm almost 100% sure this is discontinued...but if you're out there, pleaseee continue the story! It's one of my all time favourite fics, I absolutely love your writing style and you capture the characters along with the setting perfectly! I've read it many times and it pains me that it has been discontinued at such a key moment in the plot :( Anyway, I will still hold a fragment of hope for another chapter..
A Moonless Sky chapter 21 . 1/23/2017
I'm so in love with this story, it's so well written and captivating. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

Now if I were the sotaichou, I would definitely place her in the fourth division. Byakuya and Jushiro are too emotionally invested in Miyako to allow her to really flourish, they're first priority would be to keep her safe. Unohana on the other hand would give her opportunities to learn and grow. Anyway it's super early and I put way too much thought into that question.
victoria cullen35 chapter 3 . 11/6/2016
good chapters so for I love this story a lot and I cant wait for more new chapters so to be put up man im happy I found this story on here it is good so for on here big time
Reclun chapter 21 . 10/21/2016
Kyaaaa! I love this story sooooo much. It's completely believable that Byakuya was always in love with Miyako~ He just didn't want her getting hurt again~ I wish with all my heart you continue this.
Hanabi Mirei chapter 21 . 6/22/2016
.Goodness. This is definitely the best Bleach OC romance story I have ever read in my entire life, and I've been here for like 7 years. How the heck I didn't notice such amazing story until just recently?! And how come it's not yet completed nor continued?!

Gosh I truly like your writing style, it flows really well and brings little action meaningful! I don't think any of the character is OOC and the presence of Miyako in Byakuya's life brings me into a different perspective of the man that I've never consider before. The canon characters' interactions with Miyako is very enjoyable and has a character building affect on the OC, but still in the right amount. Miyako's personality is definitely one of a kind and very unique. Such loyalty and love displayed silently warms my heart very much that I just wish Byakuya would (Sorry Hisana, no offence) just hurry up and get over Hisana coz Miyako is there! And real!

Hmm... if I were to be Soutaicho and I can place Miyako to whichever division, then I'll put her in the 1st division! Or maybe on the 10th division (coz I like to see how she'd interact with Toshiro - sorry, I'm bias when it comes to the fun-sized taicho) Haha, just kidding (not really). I guess she's very suitable in the 4th, but I'd like to think she'd rather be in the 6th with Byakuya ;)

Pleaseeee come baaaaack, I need this romance to be continued! I wanna see Miyako being stole (hmm she 'belongs' to Byakuya anyway ;) catch what I mean?) by Byakuya from Ukitake-taicho!

Impatiently waiting!
Hanabi Mirei :'(
JToshiro chapter 21 . 4/26/2016
Awesome story, its really one of my favorites if read. Will you continue this story? Come on..its just too good to not finish.
honeytea8 chapter 21 . 4/19/2016
omg my eyes kinda watered at this last chapter, good work. i hope you continue to update!
Guest chapter 21 . 12/3/2015
Byakuya should do sth to severely punish or humiliate that old man!
Natsuko457 chapter 14 . 8/13/2015
my heart lurched for Byakyua with that very last sentence :(
Dezzal chapter 18 . 7/2/2015
Well it was good up to this chapter but i guess this is where you lose me. In my opinion you cant spend 17 chapters defining a person then change that so drastically in one chapter. It completly takes you right out of the story which is something i cant get past.
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