Reviews for The Mask Project
Curleyswife3 chapter 6 . 2/22/2015
Is a real shame that this pretty fic has so few reviews! Though certainly something was lost in translation, I read it with pleasure: well told, gripping, full of technical details that make the story believable.
Characters are vividly described and well defined.
Sol3Bug chapter 1 . 10/10/2009
Whoa... Awesome writing skills... Do you use a beta, or do you do your own editing? I glanced at your graphic novel website, but didn't read through any of it yet. Is writing a hobby, or are you published? Seriously, you are good...

I like the AU groudwork you've set up. This chapter had me glued to the screen. Excellent use of foreshadowing: You are dropping enough tantalizing tidbits of information to keep this reader hooked and wondering what will happen next...

I believe you are also using enough detailed description so that anyone not familiar with the M.A.S.K. Universe can easily follow along...
