Reviews for Feast
drucindastorm chapter 1 . 6/6/2019
all sorts of lovely
wanderlustnyc chapter 1 . 6/5/2018
I love this! I love your writing; from the voices to the imagery. Just wonderful! Thank you for sharing your works and your talent.
BayBayDela chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
This was so good! Ah, love love love(:
Cascia chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
I love it... me encantó! Perfect!
Tú escribes muy bien pepperony fict
deleted2017 chapter 1 . 5/28/2013

So cute! And exactly like Tony!


"Yeah. Marry me."

Guest chapter 1 . 1/23/2013
I have now fallen into a fluff induced coma but I loved it!
lifechiaroscuro chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Great, sweet fic!

Caity :)
fantasia-49 chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
oh it was so cute and so romantic too!
It remind me the ring she had in avengers
oops32 chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
OMIGOD! He proposed. Sorry. I know I told you I'd stop spamming your inbox. I lied. NOt intentionally, though! It was just really good.
CupcakeGoodness101 chapter 1 . 3/3/2012
Haha the Easter egg hunt was cute and his final egg sounds beautiful. _
LeeeB chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
i love it, the right amound fluff to make us fangirls (and boys) sigh :)

'I am ironegg' brilliant, couln't stop giggling
jaded image chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
This was was clever, imaginative, and in character, and I absolutely loved reading it. This (and your other stories) was thoroughly enjoyable, and you really have a knack for writing the Pepper/Tony relationship. Plus, it was so fluffy I could have overdosed :] Fantastic fic!
Vahkhiin chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
LOL jarvis is so mean. 174 to 1. I couldn't stop laughing. Great story!
Blushing Rose chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
Incredibly cute/ sentimental/ romantic, etc. Pretty much everything I've ever wanted in a pepperony fic lol thanks!
silvanelf chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
First you had me clutching my sides with laughter, and then melting into a puddle of goo. All the different eggs were so hilarious...the 'eggony' and the 'eggstasy' was absolutely hysterical! : D

And then Tony proposing, and Pepper saying yes-as I said, my heart melted. You write them so perfectly together, sweet without being disgustingly sappy. I love it.

Wonderful story! : )
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