Reviews for Kakuzu
Weirdnfreaky chapter 9 . 3/31/2015
Update? Pretty please?
Guest chapter 9 . 1/19/2014
finish this please. please it is soooooo well writen
The 14th Undertaker chapter 2 . 1/5/2013
I know someone named Gryphin.
CrisStarTina chapter 9 . 10/7/2012
Awwwww please continue the story :)! I just seen Coraline today with my siblings and I want to know what happens next from this version of Kakuzu
This is actually more bloody and pain worthy that makes my heart heavy for the OtherHidan
PLEASE! *puppy pout****
No One chapter 1 . 8/4/2012
How dare you not contiue(SP?) this! This was so effing awesome! Please! Finish it! It was getting to the good part too! *Starts hitting head on wall* Ugh. Please contuie(SP?) this! Please! But other than that.. I LOVE THIS!
Anonymous chapter 9 . 7/31/2011
I totally think you should continue this story. It's really cool, I ike that it's a crossover between Naruto and Coraline
izzy1229anime chapter 9 . 7/29/2011
Please continue this story! It's awesome that you story for the movie Caroline! I love this story so much!
darkdragonalucard chapter 9 . 7/16/2011
this story should deff be continued! cliffhangers aren't fun :{
Kane the DFWM Seme chapter 9 . 2/24/2011
Please, please, please write more! I love it alot!
Boombaby1918 chapter 9 . 6/8/2010

and it looks like you only need one or two more chapters to go, if you update on this wonderful work it would be rally apreciated! also love what you did with the cat yet still had that "you might think this is a dream come true" line that what one oof the best lines in the movie!
Krasimer chapter 9 . 5/26/2010
...this is getting awesome and you just leave it there?

Can you please update?

This is a wonderful version of this story, I like it better than the movie.
akatsuki123me chapter 1 . 5/15/2010
i really love how you made this, can't wait for more
Lunari Sakana chapter 9 . 4/18/2010
no other-Hidan aww I liked him, the kiss was sweet. I really am getting into this story, cant wait to see how you end this one.
blksnowangel chapter 9 . 3/2/2010
Continue the story!

This is great!
Ditkata chapter 9 . 2/5/2010
aw so sad i cried so much when other hidan died will there be more i want to see kakuzu whit the real hidan
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