Reviews for One More Taste
angelcolbert chapter 6 . 9/19
This is a great story so far. I'm really enjoying it.
Blistful2006 chapter 23 . 8/30
I am so happy this didn't turn into a couples swap story
M.S.Carol chapter 14 . 6/27
Could have just waited one more day.
But it was meant to be this way
M.S.Carol chapter 12 . 6/27
Poor Alice
celajwhitney chapter 14 . 1/7
idjut !
celajwhitney chapter 12 . 1/7
you probably never asked him, and you would have hated it and griped.
celajwhitney chapter 10 . 1/7
Edward is a giant twerp and he will pay the price for his stupidity. i can't wait !
celajwhitney chapter 5 . 1/7
it's good that they have each other. of course deadward will pitch a giant fit when he finds out that someone else is playing with the toy he threw away!
celajwhitney chapter 4 . 1/7
so far i like this a lot more than the other story where Jasper sneaks into her bedroom and bites her right away.
NUCGIRL72 chapter 33 . 10/7/2019
reptilegirl chapter 8 . 7/9/2019
Haha I've read this before love the popcorn attack
Kristina777 chapter 33 . 2/26/2019
That was a really good story. Thank you for sharing.
Burnsides-Girl chapter 19 . 10/7/2018
While I was reading this chapter, I got a craving for pancakes so I went and made some :) as always can’t wait to keep reading!
Ffaddict chapter 17 . 2/11/2018
Again, I'm somewhat annoyed by the Cullens. If esme missed Bella and Jasper so much why didn't she visit them? It was obvious that Edward's plan misfired so there was no need to stay away. If they cared.
And it would be easier than a girl still going to high school going to Alaska
Ffaddict chapter 16 . 2/11/2018
It was too easy. Edward was always obsessed with Bella's safety and her soul. Seeing her with a vampire would be bad enough. Seeing her with a vampire that was the most likely to eat her out of all the Cullens would too much in my opinion. He left so that she was safe from vampires and s so that she wouldn't change into a vampire herself. There's no way he would just be ok with her being with Jasper. Not that he would be right. But he was willing to sacrifice their relationship, to hurt her to achieve what he wanted for her. He wouldn't give up his ideas that easily.
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