Reviews for Temporal Choices
Sharks Potter chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
Hallo ,

cool story! However the part with the machine exploding is slightly wrong; the time didn't actually explode. Instead, Alexander jammed the controls so the time bubble didn't activate when the machine started up. It just generated a powerful time distortion stream that caused the entire colony to age millions of years, just like it did with the urban-Morlock. It is uncertain if the machine also hyper-aged and turned to dust or if it could be salvaged and repaired somehow...Maybe you want to correct the explosion part.
Xanrath chapter 1 . 5/23/2009
I really liked the imagery you used, in some places it brought to mind H.P Lovecraft, describing the dark horrors underground. Very well written!
TravelingThroughTime chapter 1 . 4/15/2009
This was the best Alexander POV fic I have ever freaking read. I was captivated by the fashion you wrote in. It's very hard to incorporate Wells' writing style into fanfiction, but you did it perfectly. This is like something he'd write. And the best part was that you based in, or combined it actually, with the newer movie (which I liked) because I've got this terrible crush on Guy Pearce, lol. I just thought he was awesome in that film. And you got into his character and just got Alex down pat!
WellsFan12586 chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
This is just like reading the book except you used the newer movie:D

I loved this enormously! lol. The uber-morlock and the way you wrote Alexander discribing it was just perfect!

Please write more for this awesome movie/book! Your really good at it:]
applepielover chapter 1 . 4/1/2009
Amazing. It's like reading part of a novelization of the movie. I especially like how you wrote it in Alexander's POV. Beautiful imagery and well done on word choice, sentence structure, and character interaction. It's just like watching that part of the movie again.

This is lovely and well written. Thank you so much for letting me know about this fanfic.


"I think my telling him of how cross his sister would become with me should anything happen to him made the it easier." I believe it's made it easier.

"Apparently as time went on, the feeding of the underworld, however it was effected, has become disjointed." I believe it's affected.

"We stood silent and watching, deriving, I fancied, a sort of comfort in each others company." other's.