Reviews for Goin' Nowhere
freakqueen chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
So sweet of Doc to try and help Susan, even wen he doubts he can. good work.
BenRG chapter 1 . 12/28/2017
I think that, in the end, Doc chose to help Susan, long after he ran out of ideas, because she trusted in his mind and he was both good and proud enough that he would not allow himself to fail.
Crystal Persian chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
*claps* This is SOO GOOD! I totally love the moments you had with Susan and Doctor C.

Could you please, please, PLEASE make more based on these two? I feel as though there isn't enough fanfics about them(and it's kinda obvoius to see that the doc has a thing for the giantess), and would even be happy to supply an idea or two if needed!
JakobiFlyingFox chapter 1 . 5/5/2014
Oh, I loved this fic! Such a heartwarming idea, and the writing flowed along so smoothly!
You kept the characters so nicely, well, in-character, so the whole idea wasn't forced :DD look forward to seeing more!
ginx chapter 1 . 2/16/2013
could you write a story about his family mabey even a possible lady friend.
i loved the story tnk u :D
Wordmangler chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
This was a very well-written, character-driven vignette. Superbly done. Lots of good detail, flows beautifully, and emotionally true. I like the idea of "Jeffery G. Hedison"-homage, but not obvious homage (frankly it works better than the semi-official "Jacques-Yves" in the Art of MvA book).
Celestial Rainstorm chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
This was simply amazing. Beautifully written, and everyone was seriously in character. Brillaint, my friend. I especially loved the part where our poor scientist was rocking in the corner, "mumbling the Periodic table." That was perfect.

"Good morning, Susan!"
Kemalnica chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
Hey, that was a perfect story...awesome idea, beautiful literary terms, I love it so real and works with facts from movie Amazing.

Very great job.
Lavender Cat chapter 1 . 3/16/2010
I just thought I'd tell you that you write the best Doc/Susan stories I've read yet. You have wonderful skill - lovey-dovey scenes that aren't too sappy, tearjerking scenes (seriously, the bit with Susan remembering her hairdresser made me go glassy eyed) without too much angst. Very nice.

I really look forward to seeing more from you. Keep up the great work! :)


Lavender Cat
D the Stampede chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Excellent one-shot.
BeYourselfBeHappy chapter 1 . 11/12/2009
Thing With No Talent chapter 1 . 11/7/2009
Oh man, that was sweet. And funny. I loved the story about the TV - it sounded very Doctor-ish. The saddest part, for some reason, was when she asked him about his real name. Being turned into a cockroach and spending five years alone in the facility didn't seem to bother him nearly as much as the loss of his identity, and if I think about it I can see why. I've read some of your other work in this fandom and greatly enjoyed it, too. Keep it up!
zara2148 chapter 1 . 6/14/2009
Aaww, that's so sweet. You're an awesome writer!
BasementOfTheMansion chapter 1 . 5/26/2009
Two things, first off:

One - I'm a horrible person for never having reviewed this, despite the fact it's in my top three favorite S/C fics EVER.

Two - I reread it to counter all the awful bad!fic that's been popping up lately and it more or less reminded me of everything that's wonderful about the pairing, the fandom, and the world. Your skill level blows me away.

One of (many) things I love about this fic is how you captured the monotony and inconvience of their imprisonment (Susan hates her oatmeal, it's too much trouble to get decent shampoo, et al). It's so subtle, but perfectly well realized, and it contributes so wonderfully to the static atmosphere and throws into focus how the interactions and conversations between the monsters are the only highlights of the incarceration.

And your dialogue? Oh, baby... So unforced, so fluid, so witty and in-character and heartwrenching and beautifully done.

This fic is basically THE quintessential bonding fic for these two. This is the kind of thing that everyone else is trying and failing to replicate, because you hit every point that was there to be made and you did it with such aplomb and humor and heart that it simply CANNOT be topped. This is an apex of the genre.

Anyway, as for random aspects of it that tickled me, I quite loved the Doc rattling off the ingredients for his paste and the homemade TV (so... him). And the couple of hints of B.O.B. were perfectly in character and amusing. And the bit about the mumbling the Periodic Table over and over while he was first imprisioned was extrodinary and I'm defintiely in awe of you for that one. And I'm very impressed by your Susan characterization, as you caught her perfectly in her depression and uncertainty while retaining her spirit and subtle sense of humor (rather than letting her degenerate into "oh, this is so horrible, I hate eveything about this place" angst). And the last few paragraphs that really pull together the hopelessness of the experimentation and touch on the Dac's burgeoning feelings for her in a wonderfully understated way were an amazing way to bring the fic to a finish.

(Oh, and BttF reference FTW!)

Applause, cheers, and tossing of confetti all around.
kuramaluna chapter 1 . 4/11/2009
loved your story Dr. Cockroach is my Favorite.
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