Reviews for When the Nightmares Start
anere-desu05 chapter 2 . 3/2/2016
I have been cringing since chapter one. There are a lot of grammatical errors! Nonetheless, I will still read this fic just because it's a lenkaho fic, and I would like to find out how you will execute your story.
YourBuddyBJ-Z chapter 17 . 5/19/2014
ohh I want the sequel! please!
may96 chapter 17 . 4/24/2013
It's a really well written story! Is there a sequel? Because I do feel there should be one. The story doesn't seem complete.
aweoiru chapter 9 . 12/15/2011
hey. so. the plot is very good, but I just realized a violinist, we pull the bow with our right hand and we use our left hand to hold the violin up and press on the strings:o Just got a little confused in the last few paragraphs..Keep up the good work!
Yanelle chapter 17 . 6/1/2011
OMG! waa! my heart totally broke into pieces when Len's story was revealed... every single time, my heart breaks...

The story was great! But some parts I don't think the great Tsukimori Len would do... but you know... its IS your story... and you can pretty much do anything you want with it... but I'm curious, what happened to Len? you know... after he woke up after he go into comatose...

LenxKaho pairing wasn't seen that much... maybe because of the plot revolving around Len's disappearance... almost no spark for me...

(I don't mind the wrong grammar, and the misuse of the past tense of verbs, and the wrong spelling... sorry, perfectionist-freak)
gAm3fr3Akal chapter 3 . 2/11/2010
ok Kate nice to meet ya~ )

um can you message me in bacause it seems like i can't reply to you in hotmail?

im 12, also im kinda young but pretty smart

I like playing soccer, I want to be a chef and a cello teacher.

maybe play some guitar in church...

and im korean but can't speak korean and write korean very well so yeah im wierd...LOL

what about you? (_)
gAm3fr3Akal chapter 5 . 2/10/2010
um couldn't get the message to you from hotmail soo ill do it right here~


Im so reading that, and is that evil china girl going to come back? (-_') (whispers)


anyways umm its no problem this is my favorite fanfic soo its no trouble.

ALSO ill try to get your imagination running soo leave it too me boss~ xD


by the isabelle nice to meet ya~ ;)
gAm3fr3Akal chapter 15 . 2/6/2010
sorry umm i used up my review on the last chapter without typing this in as well soo her goes...


oh snap you gotta tell me the title for the next new masterpiece (_)
gAm3fr3Akal chapter 16 . 2/6/2010
please do not worry about the reviews and just go on with the story!

my buddies and i will get your reviews up in no time. but i have to know if they like it or not so yeah~

gAm3fr3Akal chapter 17 . 2/6/2010
WOW this is an amzing fanfic AND you actually finished it! xD

i am very proud of you... sorry overeacted.

most people just quit there good stories which is very saddening.


thank you so much for giving birth to this story with your imaginations! (sorry did that sound awkward)

gAm3fr3Akal chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
...I just one thing to say...

(breathes in)

AMAZING~ this is an excellent story.

i hate the chineese girl, fan fan or whatever her name is.


wonderful story,your a prodigy

the world needs writers like you

keep writing these kinds of storys! D
Flowersshadow chapter 17 . 1/3/2010
A Sequeal? I really liked your story! I was reading it last night, and I was soo sad, cause I had to go to sleep and I didn't finish it! XD so yeah I really liked your story!
DREAMLYN-LA-DY-BUG chapter 17 . 10/17/2009
i so hope there is a sequel! thanks for the fic!
Jillian West chapter 17 . 10/2/2009
heyy i really like ur story! even though there are quite a number of misspelled words and grammatical errors, i kept on reading and reading as it's so it up!

so are you going to make a sequel? i really hope you do and i'm waiting for it! :)
Nerizu chapter 17 . 9/3/2009
AW! I got the special thanks!


Aw, nice, nice ending! Ahh.. made me teary T_T

Finally,... fanfan got her share! yeah!

I love it! Sequel please? *puppy dog eyes*


Thanks for posting this great story!
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