Reviews for I Know My Duty
Drithligh chapter 16 . 4/30
"There was a deer somewhere, telling the oncoming headlights not to panic." ... That's a great line.
knightoflives chapter 67 . 4/22
Great, great story. This honestly raised the standards so high that it will be very hard to read average and less than average fics for a while. So, thanks for that :D

A cruel cliffhanger, by the way. Also something I would've loved to see explored in the fic. This isn't the first time Edward fails to notice Bella's absence in a dangerous situation. And as we saw here, when he prepares to throw his life away from someone he cares about, like Caroly and Demetri, he doesn't think about Bella even for a second. No thoughts about what would happen to her after he would be gone, or how she would've reacted. Or even a flash of her face. Nothing. Which is very, very strange. One other thing I wonder is why Bella didn't just come out and explained the Alice situation earlier. I guess she tried in this chap, right before everything went wrong for them, but why not sooner?

In any case... I don't know if you're still working on this, but I have so many other things I wonder about in this universe, and I hope we get to see the continuation sometime. This was a great reading experience.
Elisabeth123 chapter 67 . 3/26
Please finish
quarterette chapter 67 . 2/4
It's been a while since I've read a longform fic this engrossing. I think I have basically used all my spare time over the past 3 days working at it and it's only now that I can finally rest haha. It's been years since I have touched Twilight and this fic has reminded me how much I loved this series's particular brand of moody, dark romance.

[disclosure: I actually came to this fic through This Can't Be Good and then looking on your fic list because of how I enjoyed it. Perhaps I am in the mood for reliving that stage of my life. Also can I say that the overarching mysteries were much more compelling in this fic - the improvement in pacing was palpable.]

For one, gotta commend your dedication to this fic given its length and content. To be able to come back to the same work for almost 10 years is honestly mind-boggling to me. I think I'll have to go back and give a more critical read to get a feel for how the story has evolved over time on a craft level but my initial thoughts are that the bar was set very high and it was only upwards from there.

I also found the choice to put in a time skip made for some interesting predictions for the near-future. Still not sure about holograms being a thing anytime soon but I'm enjoying the decision to try and really ground vampire society in the context of human events and advancements that they can only influence in the shadows. Fleshing out [pun intended] vampire society in general is always a treat with divergence fics and this one did not disappoint.

As for gut reactions, I have to say that Rolfe came out of nowhere for me (in a good way!), in stark contrast to how you built up to Bella's gift realization in arc I (there was a very noticeable lack of Bella PoV for a while that really built up that "watching a car crash in slow motion" feel as we realize just how much of an unreliable narrator Edward is).
I love Bella's sass/plotting and Edward's tragic trajectory that seems to finally be looking up. Also can I say that I love Caroly as an OC (and the imprinting parallels! oh my how will that even work out I need to know!) and my heart goes out to Demetri - please don't have him weaponized against his team, I think my poor heart will break. I'm still baffled by how many of the Volturi in this fic I can crack a smile when they cameo.

Thanks for sharing and I hope that your muse for this fic will strike again.
Guest chapter 67 . 1/8
I’ve really enjoyed this fic, I like the depth you have given to both the characters personalities and development of the plot and their romance. Thanks for sharing your ideas and writing. I like the realistic qualities and how your writing is specific. Best wishes:)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
I loved your story and your depiction of Voltera. Bella and Edward relationship almost started from the beginning again, like he had to fall in love with her all over again. I appreciate that it was not all about sex either - not one of those fanfics where they are like rabbits once Bella is changed.
Andaolo chapter 67 . 11/29/2019
So I am reading your story for the second time and love it. Please update... I so need to know what happened to the Cullens...
Guest chapter 44 . 11/16/2019
I love this fic even though it feels quite grim and depressing, as most Volterra-set fics do. I am at chapter 44 and hoping that they will get out of there eventually. I think the life and inhabitants of the place are fleshed out well and Aro is every bit as repulsive as he deserves to be. Great read.
Kanny1 chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
Please finish this story. I've followed from the first chapter and read it over and over through the years lol. Fantastic writing I want more of this story asap
Xanthuis chapter 67 . 5/8/2019
One of my favorite stories love so much of this and hope you do finish this . I love Caroly with Edward & Bella as there daughter
Xanthuis chapter 4 . 5/7/2019
Wow amazing so far I love how you portray Alice & Edward connection and chemistry with each other
Raestarshines chapter 1 . 12/20/2018
I love this story and I’m still reading in 2018, please finish!
Guest chapter 9 . 12/17/2018
Im fucking disgusted with Edward, ruminating over bella not being bella. Hes a whiny piece of shit.
Guest chapter 8 . 12/17/2018
I wish they would stop acting like theres a separation between the vampire and the human.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/17/2018
This is boring as fuck
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