Reviews for Summer Session
SarahLuzie chapter 17 . 4/24/2017
This is a really great story. And it ended just perfect
SarahLuzie chapter 1 . 4/24/2017
Thank you for writing the sequel:3

And I hope you did write a scene where Hermione and Pansy get to watch Harry and Draco :)
adafrog chapter 17 . 3/25/2017
Very good, thanks.
Guest chapter 17 . 10/22/2015
Loved it, cute story and hot sex!
rosehipjam chapter 17 . 9/7/2013
ah, lovely story. It'll probably be on my mind for the next few days.

although, I do have two complaints. first off... not enough Draco and Harry in the the story in comparison to the other pairings.
though it wasn't suffocating like other drarry fics can be, having the main focus on them all the time. the lack of transitioning borders, there was a learning curve for the abrupt change in scenes.

overall, I'm very lucky to have found the both of these stories. :)
Gh00st-reader chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
This story is one of the best I've ever read! Really, it has the perfect balance between draco and harry! I love the way you write their relationship, it's so relaxed and refreshing. When I read any of your fanfics, I truly feel Harry and Draco are perfect for each other! But I have to say that "Summer Session" had a huge potential and that if you wanted, you could write so much more! I wish you had described many things that were only partially mentioned. Their animagui form for example.
But anyway, It was a wonderful read and I hope you will continue writing Draco/Harry fanfics!
walkingby521 chapter 17 . 9/26/2012
Oh Seamus at the end! Too funny! I could read about all of these pairings/characters until my eyes blurred and it still wouldn't be enough. I love how you wrote each of them! Cheers!
The.Dragonfly.Lover chapter 17 . 8/13/2012
This was amazing, and I adored how you wove the multiple story lines. Add that to the fantastic tale of Luna and Seamus…fantastic. Thank you for sharing!
HummingbirdsWildHeart chapter 13 . 1/8/2012
"He bolted from his seat the moment the lecture ended, not even bothering to wake Ron. The class was even more of a waste for him, since he was entering Auror Academy at the end of the summer. No one expected Aurors to know how to act at affairs of state."

I am confused I thought Harry and Draco were going to a Wizarding University to get a Potions Mastery and for Harry to become a Healer. What’s all this about him going to Auror academy? Like the story by the way lovely read. I am off to read more.

Lori94 chapter 17 . 11/8/2011
WOW! love it!
Minniemouse chapter 13 . 9/14/2011
In chapter 3 you wrote about Harrys plan to become a healer (Exeter). Now its Auror Academy. Did I miss him changing his mind?
Die Yuy chapter 17 . 7/19/2011
If it was for me, you could write on and on and on and on... these characters are brilliant and I just love how you pick these important moments in their life and let me participate.

As always your writing is fluent and beautiful!

Strawberri009 chapter 17 . 6/19/2011
waa. cutee!
Alt3etf chapter 17 . 6/7/2011
You are a fantastic author!
SuperCali chapter 17 . 5/10/2011
I enjoyed this tale/sequel immensely! Thanks again!
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