Reviews for Take Flight
AquaEclipse chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
You made me cry a bit. At least…
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
I loved this, and I love that you added the notes at the bottom to bring understanding to what is behind the story.
guardianofdragonlore chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
This is That is all I can really say, wow.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
Actually, I visited the Statue last week.
Emo Vampire Chic chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
WOW this was amazing *tears up*
YuugisGirl chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
Wow...I really do love this story. I've been thinking really hard lately about how the world views America. We're always the bad guy, no matter what we do. Every move we make is seen as being in self-interest (no matter to what extent that may be true). However, many forget what this country has done to /help/ the world as well. It's easy to sit there and criticize when you're not the one in the hot seat. It's easy to point out the flaws in one's argument; far easier than constructing the argument itself. Great job on this story, really. I like how Japan and America’s political and economic relationship was conveyed through Kiku's actions, as well as the connection between the two characters themselves. Excellent job.

I love the lines:

"No matter where he turned, there were always hostile faces. No matter what he did, there was someone there to shoot him down. And it wasn't as though he hadn't been trying."

"That he could thrive, and prosper and that it was something *anyone* could achieve if they would try."

"If he tried to pull back, they would ask him why he didn't care. If he intervened, they would accuse him of trying to stoke his own ego. If he offered aid, they would eye him warily and whisper that he was only courting popularity. If he tried to impose sanctions, they would complain of discrimination and protectionism. As if they hadn't done every single one of those things before."

"No, what he wanted was not to rule, but to guide, to share his beautiful vision with the world. He'd wanted to protect everyone, and, for a while, they wanted his protection."

Through years, no country has been left without blood on their hands. No country is completely innocent or without blame. But the faults of the world always seem to fall on America. It's like we're the scapegoat for all international catastrophes. No, we are not blameless, but neither is the blame all ours to bear.

Thank you for this story. I really enjoyed it.

River Jaeger chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
I love this fic so much. I come back to read it every now and then. I love how in character they seem. And I really really like how it's Japan, because I'm a huge fan of their friendship.
yi-chan chapter 1 . 10/24/2010
You did an amazing job of incorporating politics into this story, yet still making it into a fun read.
dragonheart3 chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
"If he tried to pull back, they would ask him why he didn't care. If he intervened, they would accuse him of trying to stoke his own ego. If he offered aid, they would eye him warily and whisper that he was only courting popularity. If he tried to impose sanctions, they would complain of discrimination and protectionism. As if they hadn't done every single one of those things before."

This is so true. My dad only tells me everyday.

Anyways, great story! I love it. I wonder how England would have reacted? But hey, this is a Japan/America story, and it's fluffy and cute. :3
Sexykill69 chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
America's economy bombs, everyone else loses somthin' too. We're interwoven.
Yoly chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
That just sad and probably true. I'm American so I can understand this. I was near tears when I red this and I was happy to see Kiki(Japan) Trying to help America out. I think many Americans are suicidal though cause of the economy. Though I'm not sure anyway it was very well written and I liked it so thank you for writing. _
Metamorcy chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
Oh! So sad!
Solarina chapter 1 . 4/9/2009
I felt so sad when I first starting reading because it was kind of true, but when Kiku came into the scene I just felt moved by his actions. (Which is why I love him so much.)
Cupcake of Evil chapter 1 . 3/27/2009
Poor Alfred...this made me really sad for him! All he wants to do is protect and be a hero but everyone treats him like a scapegoat for their problems *sighs* At least Kiku was there for him when nobody else was...)

Awesome job on this, I could really feel what was going on!
Naz chapter 1 . 3/26/2009
I already commented on the comm (i'm fegie; eheh), but... This is really very powerful. I literally ended up crying to the point where i had to take off my glasses. Everything about it just feels right, especially America's... sadness, i suppose you could call it. I admit to having had vaguely similar thoughts at time. Damned if you, damned if you don't.

Personally, i'm not very religious- plus, there's quite a few to be found- but you made that aspect work believably well.

But seriously, overall, this is just an amazing fic. So sad, but it works so well.

Okay, i'll shut up now. :)
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