Reviews for You're in the Pokémon World Now!
TheCrazedValkyrie chapter 10 . 6/27
Is Silver basically a different version of Paul?
Halo99Elite chapter 26 . 3/23
I need more dammit!
jcheriscar chapter 25 . 12/3/2019
Please continue this story
X00001 chapter 26 . 11/27/2019
so thats how Dawn was working with the Professor at the start of your story nice change from what happened in the anime do please update when you have the time pzzzzzzzzz.
X00001 chapter 25 . 11/27/2019
nice to read that we had another legendary Pokemon in this chapter wonder what team galactic was up to though? can't wait to find out hope you haven't stopped with this story
X00001 chapter 24 . 11/27/2019
very nice to see over special rare coloured pokemon in this chapter
Guest chapter 26 . 9/27/2019
Great story please continue it’s getting interesting
Guest chapter 26 . 8/30/2019
Well, that's one way to get I unwanted attention.
jcheriscar chapter 26 . 3/28/2019
I love this story I can't wait until you make more chapters keep up the good work.
Cherchill chapter 26 . 2/11/2019
This fanfic is better than anime! Why so long no updates?
Blake Tourdner chapter 2 . 12/10/2018
So you gave him a Shiny Vui from Pokemon Adventures eh
Reviev chapter 26 . 12/9/2018
Please, continue this! Srry for bad English
Shadowjab17 chapter 1 . 11/6/2018
Looking around for a good story to read,and since I was craving something Pokemon, I have stumbled upon this. I'm actually already invested,but I am a bit biased because my own name is Jay. Makes it easier to root for the MC.
marhaenaldi123 chapter 26 . 10/29/2018
adelphe24 chapter 26 . 9/29/2018
I love you're character Jay. Hes pretty calm and level headed and some how developed a bit of a southern twang as I read. Not sure if thats what your aiming for or a product of my imagination. Love how pokemon love him.
Thankyou for writing!
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