Reviews for Winchester Interrupted
shmrck14 chapter 15 . 4/27/2009
Thank you, great story! I'd call this Chuck the prophet's written unpublished book as the written word delves into the psyche much better than Sam's retelling of what he went throught. Sam's desolation, isolation, hopeless, feelings of absolute failure were palpable, as were his reactions to Ruby, and his first sucessful possessed person save leading to giving him hope that he had some useful purpose and a reason to live.

Again, kudos to you!
SciFi Girl chapter 15 . 4/12/2009
That was great. I really enjoyed it!

I would love to see you pick it up again and introduce the "behind the scenes" of how Sam got started on drinking the demon blood. I bet others would too!

But all in all, great re-telling just as it stands. Thanks!
pickamix chapter 15 . 4/6/2009
Okay, wow, I know I already saw the episode and everything but the way you wrote it had me on the edge of my seat. I love the details you add and how everything came together. Really a job very well done!
Linnie McCary chapter 15 . 4/3/2009
I love how the pace suddenly ramped up in the last couple of chapters. Thanks, Maya, for a wonderful read that's going into my Favs. Terrific, well-written job of filling in those flashback-blanks, throughout!
Linnie McCary chapter 12 . 4/2/2009
Great rising tension, followed by great restraint on your part. Such a wise writer!

(btw, your explanation about Bobby made perfect sense; it was the same conclusion I had reached. Thanks!)

I'm really enjoying the lushness of the language in this fic, too...
KAZ2Y567i chapter 15 . 4/2/2009
My eyes and angstometer are always at your disposal.

Congrats on another great chapter.
Linnie McCary chapter 11 . 4/1/2009
Great job fleshing out EVERYthing Sam experiences in his first attempt at exorcism...bone, muscle, sinew, the whole nine yards. And what a fabulously horrific hallucination at the end of it all!
Linnie McCary chapter 5 . 4/1/2009
The irony of your title is continual and appreciated.

Great insight into John's drinking.

I know it's extremely unlikely, but I still hold out hopes that we'll see Ellen again, so I was a little saddened by your assertion that Bobby would be the last to know the Winchesters' story. (That's no criticism, of course...just an observation, which completely discounts Jo.)
Linnie McCary chapter 4 . 4/1/2009
Wonderful quick reference to having to dig for the Impala's key-I got chills. That was enough to forgive you for the "The Lion King" reference! LOL

What a great job of getting into Sam's head during an incredibly difficult time of his life!
Linnie McCary chapter 3 . 4/1/2009
I have been thoroughly enjoying the long, slow, tortuous pace you've set in these first three chapters...the top of Chapter 3 is an excellent example. Such a tease!
Linnie McCary chapter 2 . 4/1/2009
Lovely visual details about the crossroad!
Linnie McCary chapter 1 . 4/1/2009
Bravo! Sam is so patently, patiently resolute about taking care of this last piece of business, and I love the "stinking voice of survival," both the phrase and the voice itself! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your fic.
Kamelion chapter 15 . 4/1/2009
I love the dark hope that ends the story. It makes sense that Sam would feel the need for his power and appreciate it in a way that few could understand, especially after living in his brother and father's shadow hunter-wise. I've often wondered how much of his going away to college had to do with just wanting to get away, or if he felt he didn't measure up and needed an out. John may have seemed to dote on Sam, but he was a hunter/soldier, as was Dean, and Sam probably never felt he fit that mold.

And now he does. Of course he's going to cling to the only power he has, right or wrong. And yet again...for someone that's supposed to be evil, he has yet to do a "wrong" thing with his powers this season. You notice that? Dean's toeing that line more than Sam is at this point.

Great job!
iheartvector chapter 15 . 3/31/2009
That was GOOD..! Thank you for making the fic so good..!

Interesting...! yes..yes...
Rachael chapter 13 . 3/31/2009
Fantastic! It really comes across as the right tone, what I would imagine Sam's attitude and reactions to be - you nailed it! I will definitely be checking back for updates.
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