Reviews for The So Unknown
vampdreams chapter 23 . 7/22
Oh I loved this fic!
It made me happy and also made me cry
The fact that Edward and Alice didn't suddenly turn into vicious harpies and were still as lovable as always, in love with our duo but stepping out, and still maintaining their friendship, I just!
Most authors villainize Alice and Edward in a JxE story to make it easier for themselves to write them, in a way that justifies Jasper and Bella's relationship
I absolutely adore the fact that you didn't go down that way, and my heart hurt so much in the last couple chapters for the both of them
This was brilliant!
I also really enjoyed the fact that Jake and Jasper got along so well.
"I conquered my thirst, made friends with my mortal enemy and even faced Charlie" indeed.
I loved that dinner too, that Jasper cooked for Charlie and Bella, and that Charlie so obviously approved of Jasper!
Bella's friendships with Angela and Emily were something I enjoyed greatly.
Just so many things to make this fic absolutely brilliant!
Now this comment has gone long enough, so I'll stop now
Thanks for sharing _

So, I tried commenting on the fic and realized I've already read and commented 5 years back!
Loved it equally this time around
Guest chapter 9 . 6/5
It is fun story and greatly written. But Bella does not wash herself before sleeping? All the time Jasper tells her to shower. Ew, how unhygienic, is she girl really? I understand it is because of vampire/werewolf conflict, but...
VryUnique chapter 24 . 4/30
Great story. Feel bad for Edward. Thank you
NazaKaos chapter 24 . 4/16
That was such a good storyline. A very nice Jasper-Bella pairing plot line and omg it was so emotional and so well written. Thanks so much for writing and completing the story.
LaLa Land 14 chapter 1 . 4/13
I absolutely loved this! One of the best Jasper/Bella’s I’ve read, and I’m so glad I decided to keep reading. Thank you for writing such an amazing journey 3
twinkminded chapter 24 . 1/4
Wow, what an amazing story! Very emotion jerking.
QueenOfStardust chapter 24 . 10/6/2019
This is a review for the entire story- I loved this. It was so well written, and you brought a lot of depth to the character’s feelings. AND you finished it.
MissMikaelsonForbes chapter 24 . 7/17/2019
Really really amazing story! I just love this pair.
anytito chapter 24 . 5/25/2019
Muy buena tu historia, una idea muy original, me hubiera gustado un outtake de ellos juntos, porque estuvieron separados mucho y el reencuentro fue muy pequeño. Me gustó mucho la historia. Felicitaciones.
ninny 1 chapter 24 . 4/4/2019
Great story it made me smile at the end
Such a journey
Guest chapter 24 . 2/22/2019
ヾ(* ˋ*)ノヾ(* ˋ*)ノヾ(* ˋ*)ノ
ryanne.arden chapter 24 . 2/16/2019
Thanks for playing with my emotions, I was crying in my bed at three in the morning because I was so pissed that Jasper and Bella split for the sake of the family! GAH! Legit crying because with the way you write you can feel how much they loved eachother and how much more genuine it was than there other relationships. I had nots in my stomach that made me feel sick because the way you write is so compelling and draws you in and makes you feel so many raw emotions that I try to barrie so deep within myself. So thank you for this FanFiction. It was fantastic and made me want to hate you because I kept calling you a bitch for a few chapters and couldn't stop saying how Bella was such a fucking idiot. Anyways enough of my passive aggressive four in the morning reviews. Love it! Thank you, Briana
tdetwilightlover chapter 24 . 1/22/2019
Thank you for writing this, it was an absolute treasure to read! I think you did a wonderful job of keeping everyone in character but with enough differences that made your story unique! Absolutely loved reading some of the non traditional friendships blossom such as Jake and jasper!
tdetwilightlover chapter 18 . 1/22/2019
Go Charlie way to actually tell her as it is. Now if she could just stop acting like a child
tdetwilightlover chapter 16 . 1/22/2019
Literally cringing reading about Edward
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