Reviews for Holding Out
Red Bess Rackham chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Lovely imagery, lol. :S Great drabble! :D

vballmania23 chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
Nice drabble - so much implied, so little said
Blinky-sama chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
Nice moment. I love Firefly so much, and the dialogue, although brief, says a lot about their characters. I can picture in my mind this exchange between Wash and Jayne.

They don't talk much in the series.
divine divinity chapter 1 . 3/22/2009
Great fic. Short and simple but very thought provoking. :) Loved it. Also like Washes reasoning, the idiot threatened his love, his heart in return he gets his head blown off, and his head because of no armor. :P Excellent, also ties in the series more with that little reference to objects in space. :) Loved it. In case I hadn't already said that.
Mokibobolink chapter 1 . 3/17/2009
Another perfect little gem about my favorite Firefly pilot. Obviously War Stories was one of my favorite eps and mostly because Wash gets to show another side to the goofy pilot we saw most of the time. The fact that he could and would fight if necessary made me love him even more.

Thanks for a little glimpse into what that meant to him.

Enfleurage chapter 1 . 3/16/2009
Sigh. I loved it on LJ too.

You seem to truly *get* Wash, his motivations, his abilities.

It drives me crazy when stories portray him as just the jokey pilot, always playing with his dinosaurs, completely ignoring that he steps up when needed. Not liking guns or violence doesn't mean he's not capable of it, especially if someone points a gun at Zoe.