Reviews for Cherry Cherry Boom Boom
Bjork chapter 1 . 6/15/2010
Well. interesting story plot. but there was another story... what was it? i think it was also called cherry cherry boom boom. that was like this story except it was made first. Have you read it? Well I think it was pretty good and I would hate if the idea was taken from it but you probably didn't do that so it probably doesn't really matter. was just wondering. well. carry on writing. nice idea.
Tricia dSC chapter 1 . 3/31/2009
The ending was cute! The style of writing is unique, very minimalist. I personally would have liked more description, but this style does make it a quick read.
graceviolet chapter 1 . 3/17/2009
I loved the idea, really, it was super cute.

But, you asked critics, and I'm one

I think you should have to narrate the actions much, and maybe what they think, or what are they feeling when everything happens.

And Chuck it's a little bit OOC. I can see him like really in love with Blair and changing and being romantic and all that stuff, because after all, that was the hidden message in the van der basses wedding, right? But Idk if I can see him not arguing with Blair and they two beign bitchy until someone crosses the limits and have to apologize or something like that. Basically I see OOC in him in the “Blair? …Blair, don’t cry. Please, Blair. Please. I’m sorry, baby. Come here.” part... and maybe calling her baby. But you know, it's only that, it's not really a super bad thing huh? It's easy to edit :D

But, forgetting that, I loved the idea, Blair is daddy's little girl so I'm sure she would act like that when something it's not how she wanted LOL

Maybe you could describe what happened to they to decide moving togeher too, I dunno.

I hope everything's ok, and you don't find it rude or something n_nU Plus, I hope my english it's ok, because it's actually not my first lenguage so I made mistakes sometimes.

Did you try asking for a Beta here in FF? Maybe you can find someone there who can help you making even better your stories n_n

So, that's all xD Kisses!
Amy chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
ahaha, cute.
uncorazonquebrado chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
hahaa. this was so great! :) the style of writing you chose is really funny and interesting to read! loved it!
hyacinth chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
very cute. do continue. :)