Reviews for Spring Offensive
Katie chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
Oh i loved this story :D it was soooooooooo sad..but it was fantastic!
AnnoMizuki chapter 1 . 12/23/2009
“Alles” he said sadly. "Hanschen ist alles”

Best line.

Love this.

I love all of your stories, you're a great writer!
Pernicia chapter 5 . 12/12/2009
Okay, I've read the entire story, but this was my favorite chapter due to its hilarity.

-“Ow… Ow are you?” Ernst stuttered-

So Ernst lame! :D I want to borrow it.

-“That’s really not something you have to worry about. Sir,”-

Oh, so honest Ersnt... And if it was something to worry about, I'd stop being an SA fangirl. Hernst, all the way!

-“You know that blanket behind you keeps moving right?”-

The best line in the entire thing, in my opinion. It's just so unexpected that Ferdinand would be an ally, plus I can totally see Hanschen being unable to stay still out of laughter in such a desperate situation.

I loved the whole war idea. Though, seriously, they're in need of men so desperately, and they'd kill recruits for kissing (or "creaming?") Pretty stupid.

Anyway, fantastic story!
Willower chapter 11 . 8/12/2009
That was beautiful, truly beautiful. I read it in one sitting, and just couldn't stop. It's a wonderful story, with the wonderful writing to match it. Thank you for all your hard work on this.
fir8008 chapter 11 . 8/2/2009
This story was so touching. I'm glad they have a happy ending despite having to move frequently. I can imagine Ernst as a drama teacher. It's believable that the Robel and Rilow families would discard their sons' memories because Ernst came out about them. I'm glad there's hope in Anike, never forgetting her brother. This was truly magnificent. Good work.
vine chapter 11 . 7/20/2009
Now, it is much too late for me to come up with the review you deserve for this. I think I scarcely breathed throughout the entire story, which I read in one sitting, as tears threatened my eyes. This was perfect. Beautiful. I don't think I have anything to say, other than that. And I do mean perfect in every sense of the word. Characterization, pacing, themes and plots and every little detail that fell perfectly into place. And some of the lines! I believe that my two favorites are

He had no choice, refusal to fight meant death, and Hanschen wouldn’t have worried were it not for some tiny twisted fear in the pit of his stomach; that somewhere in that obscure countryside of heaven he and Ernst might miss each other.

thought that is more a paragraph than a line. And my other favorite has to be

“Alles” he said sadly. "Hanschen ist alles”

I can think of no better way to end this review than with that.
HypernatedRikku chapter 6 . 6/15/2009
ALSO, i didnt catch this till the second read thru, ferdinand dies...? when i first read that i thought it was like a flashback that would be explored later, but then reading on i forgot that moment even happened. and honestly, i can't picture your character without thinking of a cartoon type one, like, its hard for me to picture a skinny, brown haired boy with a moustache. idk why. so i just pictured matt doyle(: lol, and then i read that again and i was like...wait, he dies?
HypernatedRikku chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
i cant believe i didnt review this, one word: FUCKINAMAZING. i know, techinically two, buts smushed together. like, i agree, hanschen was so well written. and ernst was to, you saw him grow up little by little and finally at the end, theyve both grown from the experiences youve built for them and see the connection perfectly.

like, omg. i read this twice. lol. first time with a playlist i had that fit perfectly with every scene. and this time i read it to the soundtrack of amelie. i really can't remember what song i skipped, i think it was the first three...? idk. but once i started with it, the music matched like, almost in synch. i had to fast forward like, one and rewind one. but other than that, amelie's music would match this if it were made into a short film. or lengthened one.

this would make a FANTASTIC movie. this story really brings me to tears. my friend's a SA fanatic and i told her about this story and i mentioned my favorite bit, the part about ernst not wanting to see hanschen being hanged and to which he replies, "Then i'll make sure they hang you first" or something. she laughed and awed at the same time and said that is something hanschen would say(:
bestofbothworlds chapter 11 . 4/12/2009
Must say, I really liked this story a lot. I've always been curious about how they'd factor into everything that was going in during that time period. It's such a tumultuous time in German history. There was an issue with time lapse between their ages and the start of the actual war. But other than that, your characterizations were pretty good. And I'm glad for a happyish ending too.
The Captains Girlie chapter 11 . 4/8/2009
I saw Spring Awakening yesterday and came across your story today, I had to read it all in one go, as it was beautiful! You especially write Hanschen very very well. Thank you for sharing! x
musicalsarelife chapter 11 . 4/4/2009
Yay! Happy ending! This is an incredible story. I really liked the allusions to the poets and authors of WWI, very smart. And Hanschen and Ernst? Well, can they be more perfect together? I don't think so. Anyway, very, very nice.
musicalsarelife chapter 7 . 4/4/2009
I am sincerely enjoying this story, although I'm not sure enjoying is quite the word, as it is so very sad. I think it's very well written, and a very smart concept. It was nice to see Hanschen a little more vulnerable than usual. In the previous chapter, the ending with Ferdinand was so moving. Anyway, I'm really like this story. And nice reference to the poets, by the way.
FlareForTheDramatic chapter 3 . 3/30/2009
I got teary reading this chapter! This truly splendid work! Your writing style is truly fantastic and you capture the characters perfectly. Superb.
MoreLikeYourGhost chapter 11 . 3/29/2009
ah iloveyou! i love this story! it was completely awesome :)
Demactica chapter 11 . 3/29/2009
Very, very excellent ending. I could practically see the credits rolling. (:

You must put up another story soon! I loved this one way too much.
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