Reviews for That Way He Has
Mistoffelees980 chapter 3 . 10/6/2012
This story is wonderful! You nailed both Stoff and Tugger character wise. Please please write more.
darke wulf chapter 3 . 4/20/2009
Very nice. Hope you decide to continue!
StarWarsMuffin chapter 2 . 3/10/2009

You make me MELT. This was absolutely beautiful!

You always have such an elegance with description, and the way this second chapter was written just made me want to squeal! I am so jealous!

Even though this was very short (But it doesn't need to be longer- the length is short and sweet), the words and imagery were so spot-on. I love how you can make their relationship seem very rational, too. A lot of people go with the queenly Misto, the over-sensitive Tugger... this is a perfect blend of what they should be.

It's also easy to make sex/intimacy with them seem vulgar, and you made it so poetic and perfect.

I would love to read more of any Cats fics you write in the future, not just this one!
Sianco chapter 2 . 3/9/2009
Love it. Will you be writing anything more on this?
Cleo Leo chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
oh i love this. I mean I really love this, I can't wait to read more, it's really nice.
StarWarsMuffin chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
This story definitely needs more reviews.

First of all, the writing is really good. A lot of Misto/Tugger fanfictions are... a bit lax on the grammar and staying in character. You got the whole thing about Tugger perfectly- how can anyone really hate him? Sure, he's a HUGE playboy, but still!

Mistoffelees was spot-on. He wasn't a rabid fangirl, or a drooling queen. You kept them both VERY much in character.

I hope to see more from you in the future, too. I'd love to read more slash, since there is NEVER enough, and it's especially lacking in the Cats category! Rock on!
Misto4Ever chapter 1 . 3/5/2009

I thought that was just purely amazing, very well written and very touching as doing a very good job of helping really come to like slash fancis lol

Amazing job!
Origin Blue chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
Well I'm not the most creative person so I wouldn't be to good at answering in character but I'd just like to say I really enjoyed this story, I thought it was dead nice. :-D