Reviews for Through These Broken Memories
Danny Hellcat chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
Hello, i used to read your old website that had "Don't Pity Me" on it. yet later I tried to reread it only to find the link i had used on deviantart that led me to your website no longer worked. It was well written and had a lovable oc called BlueBelle aka Nightcrawler's daughter. Can you help you help me?
Link Fangirl01 chapter 1 . 9/8/2009
omg, this was amazing. I really really loved it. What a way to bring those two together.
Wish-I-Had-A-Tail chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
Wow, really good story; I liked how Kurt didn't actually steal the underwear (which I was strongly suspicious of) and how the little version of him was self-conscious. Awesome.
coolmaggie72 chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
I like the end when he played that little trick on almost made her sad all over again. That's why I hate "psyche!"
Itallia chapter 1 . 1/2/2008
Haha, interesting. Seeing Kurt acting like a scared and cornered, uh, animal just always seems to fit with how he SHOULD act, instead of the goof-ball act. But you fit both well, even with the same character.
wildcatppf chapter 1 . 4/12/2007
just to say, this is really good
Chesynic-name chapter 1 . 10/30/2005
I just read die "Babble Fish" thing. Its translations are inaccurate. (Trust me, I tried to learn Englisch mit das crap)
Chesynic-name chapter 1 . 10/30/2005
It was ein wunderbar story, but dein Deutsch ist furchtbar at best. Ich really liked es, though.
Happy Stalker Ball chapter 1 . 6/6/2003
Okay, I've read like nearly every one of your stories and I'd have to say this and a certain other one are my absolute favs! _ This was just -too- good! And you built up to that last scene incredibly well! By the time I got to that part I was gripping the arms of my chair and *leaning* forward~ so, yes, being "on the edge of your seat" really does happen! Thinking about it, I'm sure I looked funny, but think about what that says about you as a writer! You. Are. Good. _

After reading that, I wanna go out now and find a boyfriend just so I can experience a kiss like that! _ Such a great, cute part of the story- the ~best~ part of the story! _ Anyway, you did some awesome work and I just wanted to make sure you were well aware of that!

**Ice Princess**
Arkham Insanity chapter 1 . 5/21/2003
That fic totaly rocked!..I am getting addicted to your work!..I love how you portray sweet and innocent..with a bit of cheek!
Neko-chan4 chapter 1 . 5/15/2003
OH MEIN GOTT! This was so good! Although, I have to admit, I cringed through much of the beginning-ouch, but when you say 'Elf torture', you mean Elf torture! Scheisse!

But anyway, I so loved this! I thought I would die from pity when it was revealed that Kurt was only guilty of holding onto Kitty's hankie, (I was seriously doubting the whole 'panty-thief' thing up to that point) and I enjoyed a little finger-pointing at Logan's expense for the mix-up. And then when Lance (the skeeze) was revealed to be the true panty-thief, I could've kissed you! Mwah! On another note, the kiss was absolutely perfect! I have never read a Kurtty kiss that was so good! (The ones I have read are usually so poorly written I feel nauseaous and immediately abandon the fic in disgust.) But your 'kiss scene' was so perfect, I was nearly squealing like a school-girl in delight. That's quite a feat, so bravo!

Also, I just _love_ the little references you make! Most of the time I manage to catch them, and I laugh at the cuteness. I caught the "As you wish" right away, because honestly, who else says that? _ And I just loved the reference to Don Quixote-I was like, "Aw...!" when I read that. It was so fitting and sweet. I also love the references to the _original_ Nightcrawler, especially actual lines and events-that's really clever and highly appreciated!

Anyway, I've read several of your other fics up at 'fur & brimstone' and have loved them, especially the AU one that is a collection of 'what if' scenes to Kurt & Kitty's meeting (sorry I can't recall the title!) You've found a fan in me! Now, you just have to write more fics where they kiss like _that_ and I will be singing your praises from dawn 'till dusk...
Fallon Marie Night chapter 1 . 5/10/2003
good story. I really like it
Burning Light chapter 1 . 5/3/2003
Woah! Someone else who actually knows who Thomas Dolby is! I rather like 'Budapest by Blimp' on the same album. (Assuming you were reffering to the Aliens ate my Buick album)

Anyways, this was definitly a great story. All of your stories tend to be that way. And with Nightcrawler as the main character...

Anyways, got back from the X-men 2 movie today. It was really good, even if Halle Barry(sp?) is starting to get on my nerves, for some reason. Nightcrawler in the opening scene was awesome...
QueenTigris chapter 1 . 1/27/2003

It took forever to read but that was really good!

I like to look up on the backrounds of some of my reviewers sometimes and you're pretty good!

I'm gonna read your other stories now.
StarRose chapter 1 . 10/26/2002
That was great! "The Elf is back in the house" lol Going on my favs thats for sure!
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