Reviews for A Demon's Tale
Kira Usuratonkachi chapter 1 . 5/27/2017
MusingAIR chapter 32 . 11/26/2014
Sooooo you dead, please don't be this is really funny and update soon!
CallMeSoldier chapter 32 . 12/14/2013
the best way to get rid of writer's block is to just keep writing. insperation will hit faster that way. good job, btw. loved the chapter. can't wait for more. :D
LittleGremlinWriter chapter 32 . 11/22/2013
THANK YOU! i've been waiting for you to update forever! but i still waited cuz i knew you wouldn't abandon this and i'll still wait for your updates no matter how long it takes you' you have my full support good luck on the next chapter!
EmotionalGuest chapter 32 . 10/22/2013
I think you have a beautiful potential (does that make sense?). Don't stop writing and keep moving forward.
ShiraChan-Desu chapter 32 . 10/3/2013
Hehehehehehehhe...that was a cool chapter!
I can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 11 . 8/3/2013
God this is sooo hypocritical! Kill sai for betraying and send a rescue party for sasuke to help him return for betraying ... ROFL! Naruto/company - very nice , why dun u all go fuck yourselves!
ShiraChan-Desu chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Ok... never mind then about the review I just posted a few minutes ago about waiting for the sequel. XD But anyway, OH GOSH I CAN'T WAIT TO READ THE WHOLE STORY! -cough- After school because right now I just stayed up from around 10 or 11 pm to 2 am just reading the first story. X) Yep. I am totally in LOVE with your stories!
ruby890 chapter 31 . 4/1/2013
This is so good please update.
Guest chapter 31 . 12/19/2012
update update update please!
shimmering shadows chapter 31 . 10/15/2012
I enjoyed, very very very much enjoyed this o.O very... very...much. :) but seriously! Cliff hanger! i've read both of stories for the past two days straight and i couldn't tear my eyes away! you must, must MUST continueeeeeee! (love Gaara to death, and actually, you made me love his demon as well) So you better update soon! Or i'll be sad. :'( 3
Ruby890 chapter 16 . 7/18/2012
That was great
Guest chapter 4 . 7/5/2012
Very funny chapter. One question though. What will happen next?
Guest chapter 3 . 7/5/2012
I don't like Quoi being in the story.
ruby890 chapter 15 . 7/3/2012
That was great. Love there are not enough garaa naruto friendship FICS put thier. To many yaoi.
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