Reviews for The Hermit
vidronoliquidificador chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
I really liked the way you wrote this. It's amazing.
killing u with umbrellas chapter 1 . 6/8/2011
loved it.
The Akuma's Sakura Violin chapter 1 . 9/7/2010
Wow... that ending

I feel allow sad but relieved at the same time, all the while feeling kinda heart broken that it had to come to that for them to admit their love for eachother... whenever I think of that part where they die, this story is what I'm going to think of.

Thanks for giving them that bitter-sweet ending. It was perfect.
Kandestilyn chapter 1 . 1/24/2010
It's always interesting to see different characterizations of Matt. Everyone has their own take on him (how can they not? He was barely in the manga or anime) and I have to say, I love how you portray him. He's uncomfortable with the world and people, but he deals with it. He may hide in his apartment and behind a computer screen, but he works around it.

He's content behind the scenes, working hard and letting other people take the credit. That's one of my favourite things about this, that he works to keep Mello safe and follows his lead without questioning him. Love can be shown in a lot of ways, by showing readers what he's done for Mello instead of forcing the idea of love and pining down their throat, that demonstrates how deeply he cares.

Going along with that, I thought it was perfect how Mello didn't have to reply to Matt after Matt told him that he loved him, that Matt could just tell. It meant more than any words Mello could've spoken.

The ending was heartbreaking and beautiful and tied the whole thing together wonderfully (back to the agoraphobia and Mello and how he managed to follow him right to the end, without literally being by his side the whole time).

I also thought the way you used italics for Matt's thoughts was clever and not overdone. They add the details that really show his personality and the conflict within him.

Really, really nice.

NillNull chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
i loved this story

i really like how you used the point of view, and managed to use humour in places to stop it getting too dark. and matt's digressive-italic thoughts were really good..kind of impressionistic? idk but they kind of made it more emotional and helped with getting into the pov.

...i kind of have one criticism, which is using the word gorgeous so sounded a bit sarcastic and i felt it kind of jarred...idk if that's what you were going for.

the ending was kind of perfect. it was so different from what you usually read and yet it fitted so well.

there's just something about m&m deathfics. no matter how many i read, i always want more. and this was a highly superior example.

hope to see more from you?
rosethourne chapter 1 . 2/25/2009
...god, i love matt.

LOVED the story! absolutely amazing!
Mwahahahahahaha chapter 1 . 2/25/2009
Oh my god, that was amazing. Just thought you should know.
Artificial Starlight chapter 1 . 2/25/2009
I have no constructive criticism for this. Ha ha. It was awesome; brilliant.

This is what I imagined Matt doing with his life; helping in his own way, with the others being completely oblivious because they don't expect that number 3 could pull one over them.

And as a hard-core Matt and Mello lover, I can say that their 'goodbye' broke my heart.

Thank you for the wonderful read. Definitely a favorite. :)

You rock!