Whirlwind Daze chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
it's sad, I bet that's how the real Erek felt at the time,

Note: You like to use all caps in your titles don't you?
Purplestar Leader of awesome chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
Aw I feel so bad for Erek and the Animorphs, I mean having to kill humans (or anything in that matter) is just horrible! The Animorphs and Erek somtimes remind me of soldiers, They don't want to kill but they have to. Anyways, This is a really good one-shot, you should think about making it into a story! Lol I thought the part when you put...

"This often leads to dreadful sighs and complaints, especially from Marco."

Was really funny! :D
Skyflight Erek's Loyalty chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
This was so sweet. :D I loved it. (hugs Erek) I thought it was very thoughtful, especially when you had Erek wondering what the Pemalites would think of him, and when he realized that he was very different from both the other Chee and the Animorphs.

This story really cheered me up. I've been feeling really sad because my grandparents' 13-year-old dog, Meg, is going to be put to sleep, and she's practically like my dog because I go to their house all the time. But when I read this story, I didn't feel as sad anymore. Thank you for writing it.
Riza-san chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
Poor Erek D; I don't want to begin to think what it was like for him in the end of book 10.

But he's right though. He can still fight the Yeerks in his own way, and that must count for something.

I love this fic ;D It was written so beautifully. It's going right to my favorites list (LOL, had to resist spelling it "favourites" then. Australian spelling.) Great job! XD