Reviews for Bruitism
Sinister hime chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
I am. SHOOk. This is, a masterpiece. I have re-read this at least twice, and I adore it from beginning to end. It isn't even that long but it is absolutely gorgeous. Phenomenal. Such a unique and remarkable story; it has more flesh and life than most 300 page stories do. This kind of writing is such a gift. I hope you keep on using it.

I love the metaphors- or maybe just the nice way you put things in perspective, the way you repeat some sentences and others of value. But the way you describe things is beyond compliments. I have never read a better potrayal of Draco Malfoy (The way you said how he emphasizes his first name even though he is a carbon copy of his family values is- ICantEven, and also- Men fight wars and boys go to school and play with toy soldiers; these are the type of sentences that stick with you even when you've forgotten where youve heard them from).

And Luna- my baby Luna, the way she has many names and many memories not her own- tbh it makes me wonder what kind of an explosion did her mother die in, what was she doing and was Luna affected by it in any way? Did ghosts find shelter in this child? Lol, probably just a hint of Lunas fragile/unfragile state of mind but you gave me so many ideas.

My favorite has to be the God conversation. Its so unexpected, and yet so truthful in a way that makes you say 'huh'. And Luna's- "You created a God in me" I love that sentence because I kept thinking that Luna had treasured Draco's (Mister D. I will never unsee it now XD) company as much as he did hers; but now that I am re-reading it maybe it was just Luna stating facts like; "I thought you believed in me Draco- why are you forcing me to forsake you now?" OH no My HearT- THE FEEEEELS.

I am so glad I have stumbled on this fic, such a good one for such a rarepair (I found it on Tumblr via fanart- its pretty good but it doesnt do this fic enough justice. You cant draw out these type of sentences onto a page.). It makes me want to stumble into an even deeper rabbit hole- its a gem, thank you so much for writing it (P.S. I wrote this on my phone so sorry for any mistakes)
Gomizia chapter 1 . 11/1/2017
ohmy, this is so beautiful (also sad)
spacecaps chapter 1 . 5/12/2017
Absolutely beautifully done. I feel like Luna is a very difficult character for a lot of people to write and you've done so masterfully! I love the way she and Draco interact it feels very natural. Again, fucking beautiful.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30/2017
sakaeru chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
WittyBasketcase chapter 1 . 11/13/2015
"Oh no" I whispered as I started to ship them
Great story !
Hellonightmares chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
okay so this story is utterly incredible. It's warm and complex and interesting and harsh. Fucking fantastic
Vivss chapter 1 . 4/22/2015
Great one-shot!
I love the way you write Luna. I wish you would write more of her. Perhaps a Luna/Harry this time.
val chapter 1 . 1/24/2015

but i'm in denial.
persephoneze chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
this was so beautiful. thank you.
Mayaku no Yuki chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
I love this story. Honestly, I have never even entertained the thought of Draco/Luna, and I don't even remember when they interactive in canon(Did they?). But you make it make so much /sense/ and this is beautiful and I /really/ want to know what bruitism means and-

I'm rambling.

So, bruitism. The only thing i can think of, is brutal, which doesn't seem to make much sense. Unless you think like, the whole story being brutally... something. I would say good, but that doesn't make much sense, since you could replace brutally with a heck of a lot of things.

So, maybe the ending being just plain brutal, where Luna left, when Draco didn't -couldn't- say the right words?

I doubt it.

So, my last option.


I actually have, heard the word bruit before, but I don't remember where, or when, but I do remember rumors had something to do with it.

But the chances that it is is so small, that I wouldn't bet my left, torn sock on it.

I hate that sock.

But, if it was, maybe Draco... spread rumors?

Ouch, that's weak.

...I really wanna look it up.

As for the metaphors... I couldn't find any.

I suck at grammar.

Thanks for the great read.
taco's bell chapter 1 . 2/10/2013
i wish you'd come back and write more stories. i miss it. so so much and this was very very beautiful.

thanks for sharing. :)
mayank.woohoo chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
"because Luna saw and acknowledged and wanted him to know but he failed yet again".
Thank you.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
Me likey. A great deal, actually.
lifeofapplepie chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
An excellent backdrop to Draco and Luna.
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