Reviews for To Have and to Hold
SPNAngel16 chapter 18 . 8/14/2009
This saga was really well written. Cant wait to read more
Butterfly877 chapter 18 . 5/30/2009
OH that was a beautiful ending!*clap hands*

Shame it is done already but if you write more I am fine. I love your stories and are excited to read more.

IT was nice to bring the BAU back into the game to get rid of Kitrick. Now it would be nice if he has an accident in prison, wouldnt it?

Just keep on writing more...
HorseRidersHaveMoreFun chapter 18 . 5/29/2009
Somehow I can see them with more than one other grandbaby on the way. Liked this one and I can't wait for you to finish off Beginnings.
killer bc chapter 17 . 5/25/2009
this is soo good i just cant wait until the next chapter. you are such a great writer.

thanks so much
Michelle chapter 16 . 5/13/2009
Dido with what prophet144 said- and please, I beg you- don't make use wait so long. You keep leaving it in cliffhangers...

Though, I shouldn't rush you as I find serveral, um- typos and use of the wrong word... it is like your typing and can't type fast enough to get it out of your head- which is cool.
HorseRidersHaveMoreFun chapter 16 . 5/13/2009
I like how you're combining the seriousness of the situation along with some humor to keep it from being so dark. Looking forward to the next chapter.
michelle chapter 15 . 5/4/2009
Awesome! Please don't wait so long to update this! Please...
HorseRidersHaveMoreFun chapter 15 . 5/3/2009
Like the image of Jess chasing someone down that way. Keep it up. Looking forward to the next one.
Butterfly877 chapter 15 . 5/3/2009
I am excited to what will happen next. The background stories are really interesting. I bet you will come to most of them in the other story.

Keep on posting...
Michelle chapter 14 . 4/20/2009
ok- so now how's the prison bus going to fit in? And what is Matt going to learn when he's in Sweden? Will Robin want to go back to HMR... or will she realize that she was really homesick...
Michelle chapter 13 . 4/20/2009
well, I know that you have a life- but.. I am eagerly awaiting the next does stuff go in Sweden for Matt and Robin, and are they going to catch that crook?
Butterfly877 chapter 13 . 4/17/2009
That sounds interesting and I am excited to know what will come next and how they find Kitrick.

Nice background there on Gabe. Lets see how that plays out...

Please go on!
Michelle chapter 13 . 4/12/2009
Just a thought- what about typing up a charactor guide? You have some really good stories, and interconnecting charactors and stuff- but I sometimes forget who's who...
Butterfly877 chapter 12 . 4/2/2009
oh, nice part. I like that they kick Matt out to go to Sweden with Robin and have it all planned already.

The family church scene was sweet like always. I love Ava!

Hope the week will go like the wished for. So that Matt can be fine leaving them all behind.

Please go on...

HorseRidersHaveMoreFun chapter 12 . 4/2/2009
I like seeing Cody step up to the plate.
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