Reviews for Live
piccolabimba chapter 12 . 5/11
I like how these little stories are short and specific to the topic, but are all in the same storyline with references back. Looking forward to #13!
piccolabimba chapter 6 . 5/11
Fun little glimpses! As for how, I'm going with Neko-ken. Alane is his 'person' after all and he usually can't remember being in that state, which would make him 'wake up'. Regardless, fun stuff!
You ROCK harder chapter 12 . 8/22/2019
One little thing is nagging at me, and it's that Ranma's getting a little... possessive? Controlling? Something along those lines that kind of irks me a tad, mostly because the whole thing with Akane is that she's an extremely headstrong character. Ranma too. I guess I don't like seeing them controlled and tamed, haha!

I did really like when they were back in her room, how she gave herself away that she'd not only been waiting, but possibly awake! They're both so bad at being flirty!
You ROCK harder chapter 11 . 8/21/2019
I lost my mother a few years ago and I get it. There will always be a hole in my heart left by every action, conversation, favorite thing, hairstyle, color, perfume - all the many pieces that made up knowing her. What's worse is that I'm a mom of 2, and I have to be stoic for my kids, while dying inside the whole time we celebrate Mother's Day.

Anywho, enough of that sadness! It's always been sweet that Ranma and Akane got to gain a mother with Nodoka's introduction, especially since it was at the same time.

I loved your intro, may your Mom continue to be your inspiration and support!
You ROCK harder chapter 9 . 8/21/2019
I have to say, I've always loved looking at the stars, especially on a cold night. I want Ranma to get a little more in tune to his emotions and act on a few so badly, but at least it ended with them holding hands.

Hope your trip went well, and I'm curious to see what stopped you from finishing publishing this if you already know that you have 18 chapters...hmmmm...
You ROCK harder chapter 8 . 8/20/2019
"She was sweet, kind, but wild. Like some uncontrollable fire, that didn't burn you. It kept you warm, and happy, and the cold harsh world would suffocate you the moment you walked out of its light. Her light."

This was great, exactly what Akane is meant to be. And the moment on the roof where she's talking about being helpless to stop all the changes, then says in her heart, too...that was just such a nice way to lead up to and express falling in love!
You ROCK harder chapter 7 . 8/19/2019
Ah, the bathing suit, such trickery! But he falls for it every time, haha!

Ranma seems to be moving off of the uncontrollable to the emotional depths of figuring their relationship out, so that's good.

Your preview of the next chapter looks tantalizing, so onward I go!
You ROCK harder chapter 6 . 8/19/2019
You are hysterical! "Sorry I didn't say how he got in her lap...guess.". Hahaha!
They were a bit ooc, but you're right when you say it, this is YOUR story. We're here for the ride, but you take us there, so, yeah. Captain my Captain and all that!

As always, I thuroghly enjoy the imagery in your words. Her laughter tinkling like a bell ringing in his ears stood out in this chapter. Lovely!
You ROCK harder chapter 5 . 8/19/2019
Ah, those moments when you can't yet say how you feel, the torment and hope in your soul over the slightest words and touches...this brings back so many feelings and memories of that sweet agony!

I like the way you paint the picture with words, the way he feels so full holding her while the streets are so empty on a summer afternoon, just a lovely image.

I can feel for Akane, I think we have a similar mentality of being strong for anyone in need, but oh so fragile with our own emotions. Once they get to really know each other, it's going to be so much simpler for them and their bickering, and Ranma with his smexxxy thoughts!
You ROCK harder chapter 4 . 8/19/2019
So cute, and yet I want to smack him! I swear, only Akane actually has the patience to deal with his bumbling ways!

I must read on!
You ROCK harder chapter 3 . 8/19/2019
The only negative I have with your stories is that sometimes the tenses flip to the present tense. So, rather than a story being told to us, we're suddenly reading it like a script to a play. It doesn't happen often, usually only at the sexy moments, so it's not a big deal...I still love your stories!

Akane being so, SO innocent is amusing, loved how Ranma was ready to pounce on her and she's like, "I cooked and we talked." *BLUSH*
Hahaha, poor guy!
Also, your devil/saint analogy just conjures to mind that great panel in the manga where they were just that, and I love it!
You ROCK harder chapter 2 . 8/19/2019
Ranma's a little too grumpy and Ukyo a little too possessive, she was friends with Akane, too, so I don't see he actually insulting her with words. But I guess I can see it if Ranma's all hot-and-bothered with hormones. Akane seems to know something, which is nice, and I love her shy flirting! It's so cute to see them living their usual, crazy lives, but with a silent bond!

Also, I really like your quotes, they're quite awesome!
You ROCK harder chapter 1 . 8/19/2019
Yes...the remote. Well, she found a button to push, that's for sure, haha!
Nice job getting in Ranma's head, ( pun unintentionally intended) wondering where this will go from here.
aria0903 chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
Love your story. Hope u update soon !
Ria chapter 12 . 4/13/2019
Oh no why you stopped... It was sooooo good
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