Reviews for Leather Pants and a Smirk
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
Can you write smut where Stephanie calls chris baby boy and chris calls Stephanie mommy. This is no joke I really want you to do this
Guest chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Can you write smut where Stephanie calls chris baby boy and chris calls Stephanie mommy. This is no joke I really want you to do this.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
I left you the review asking if you could write steph having sex with a snake. I thought I should clarify what I wanted I wasn't talking about Randy orton or stone Cold or any other snake themed people. I was talking about an actual snake like a cobra. It could lick her till she chums all over. I think that kind of stuff would be hot.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Could you write smut with steph and Eric Bischoff. It could take place in 2002 obviously, maybe at the wrestlemania 19 press conference. Steph looked so sexy in her business suit with her hair silky straight. I think you can find a video of it still on YouTube. I think hate sex with these two would be great, especially after he threatened to knock her out and she blew him a kiss. I know this pairing is not what you write but I think your smut is incredible and no one else writes it as good as you. I wish I could find more with this pair. You probably won't do my request but I want you to know that you are very talented at writing. It would mean so much to me if you could write some awesome smut with these two. BTW I'm not a troll!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
Could you write smut with steph and Eric Bischoff. It could take place in 2002 obviously, maybe at the wrestlemania 19 press conference. Steph looked so sexy in her business suit with her hair silky straight. I think you can find a video of it still on YouTube. I think hate sex with these two would be great, especially after he threatened to knock her out and she blew him a kiss. I know this pairing is not what you write but I think your smut is incredible and no one else writes it as good as you. I wish I could find more with this pair. You probably won't do my request but I want you to know that you are very talented at writing. It would mean so much to me if you could write some awesome smut with these two.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2014
You are such a talented writer, makes me think you are a professional. I wish you would write more smut. I love all of your stories.
G chapter 1 . 5/5/2014
Your smut is amazing. You should write a hate sex piece with stephanie and Daniel Bryan. Smut with these two could be great.
Lana banana chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
Please write smut where steph has sex with a snake.
Lana banana chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
You should write some smut where Stephanie has sex with a snake, that would be so hot. Please please please write that!
Lana banana chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
You are great at writing smut. I think you should write some about Stephanie and Linda McMahon. Yes I know that they are mother and daughter, but I think incest is so hot. Please please please write something like that!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
I can't stop reading all of your Jericho and Stephanie fics, they are all incredible. You are such an amazing writer that it makes wonder if you are a professional and if not you should be ;)
Krys Jericho chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
Holy god, this is one AMAZING story! I can't count all the times I lost my breath reading this... Um...damn! I think I'm going to go read some more of your stories once I get my bearings back! lmao! Great job!
heidy chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
hahahaha Stephanie and chris hahahah nice, very nice tale
wrasslinlvr20 chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
Oh gosh I'm so ashamed...I can't even tell you how many times I've read this fic! Its one of my AL time favorites and I NEVER left a review for it! *facepalm* I should like be banned from fan fiction! lol! So here's my review :D

So who would of that one little touch of Stephanie's hair could lead to this! ;) The way he asks her if she likes him was so adorable :D The thing I love about this fic is it goes zero to Steamy! Totally need a glass of ice cold water after reading it! The last two sentences of this fic are just the icing on the cake, perfectly ended! Those leather pants and smirks are to die for ;)

Sorry it took me like 20 years to review this! :( lol!
Daniella Consuela chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
Wow! And that's exactly what I've been waiting for. I told you I was waiting for a Nina, Chris and Stephanie (Smoochy) naughty story and I finally got it. Thank you Jesus! -Laughs- It was exactly what I expected from you. Perfection through and through. Thank you Nina, thank you. ;) Perfect ending by the way..I just now got it as I was going to post my review. The last two lines..-Nods-
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