Reviews for Snapshot
Eliza chapter 2 . 3/9/2011
I don't think this should be rated K, considering the content and language.

Whilst I don't really go in for Joker/Bats, this was well written, none the less. :)
FinalFallenFantasy chapter 2 . 12/8/2009
Egad, I must be insane; I'm slwoly but surely being converted to this pairing... Though I'm still finding it difficult to even consider writing a story about them, cos the Joker's mentality is... way out there. XD. I'd never be able to do him justice. But you're doing it really well - the idea of him being as yet 'unscarred' in the last chapter was a nice touch, and I can definitely see him 'thinking' like that in the midst of smex. Well done so far.
seditionary chapter 2 . 3/19/2009
Oh, yummy. You're so good. Next one anxiously anticipated...
Miz. Jynx chapter 1 . 2/12/2009
cute drabble! _
seditionary chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
This was beautiful. Please continue...
Evil-Irish-Wolf chapter 1 . 2/11/2009

Very nice!

You have a ridiculously insane way imagery. I absolutely adore this. It's simple and the words all flow prettily into one another. *sigh* I just LOVE how you described the Joker in this. Perfect, simply perfect. I think that this has cured my headache. Huzzah!

Lots of love for you and this!