Reviews for Soulless
Zarohk Korobase chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
I personally disliked the fact that Erek changed his programming back and never gave any other Chee a choice, for the same reason why I disagree with making abortions illegal.
It's not about whether you personally should do the action, but if you want to decide and control the actions of others. There was no good reason for Erek to decide to not allow any other Chee to make that choice or to turn his programming back. Yes, it was traumatic and horrible, but he didn't allow the other Chee to make that choice themselves, and by his actions of re-enabling the programming prohibiting violence, he made himself and all of the other Chee open to manipulation (like in #54)
C. Jaxx chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
Erek needs a hug? Okay. *Runs up to Erek and gives him a bear hug*
Cliche Melancholy chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
I found this a very good one-shot. Wow. I am so used to reading your humor stories, its odd to read a depressing one. I think you captured Erek's feelings very well, and the title says it all (great title, btw).
Whirlwind Daze chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
*hugs Erek* he does need a hug!
Mimi-dudette chapter 1 . 2/13/2009
Poor Erek! D: *glomps him* He needs a cookie. T.T

I thought you did really well on this, you put Erek's emotions through really well. Kudos to you! :D

~Mimi x
jtotheh777 chapter 1 . 2/12/2009
Nice! I adding this to my favs!
Skyflight Erek's Loyalty chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
I SO VOLUNTEER! (gives Erek big big hug)

Poor Erek... No, he's wrong! He does have a soul! He's just so sad and depressed that he feels like he doesn't. Of course he has a soul. You go tell him that. :D

This was really good. Your one-shot-writing skills definately don't suck. I liked how you inserted Erek's thoughts in between the familiar spoken words of the Animorphs. (Familiar to me cause I practically have book #10 memorized, seriously. :D ) This was great. I'm going to put it on my Erek community.
Purplestar Leader of awesome chapter 1 . 2/10/2009
Aw! poor Erek!
voodooqueen126 chapter 1 . 2/9/2009
As someone with a very poor memory, I actually envied Erek all the same.

Still good.
bookboyolismaster chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
Great stuff,well written, and I can't think of any critisicm about it right now. :-)
KityPryde chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
(raises hand and jumps up and down) "Oh PICK ME! I'll volunteer!"

:) Lol

I was always curious about Erek's point of view in book ten. And this fic really seems like he is the one narrating. Yes, it was a sad, but with this subject I think it had to be, and I think you did a really good job of portraying this part of the book in an appropriate way.

"I was so disgusted with myself. Why was I crying? Why was I crying when I had taken the lives of human controllers? Any day from now the relatives of those humans would find out. They would cry. They would grieve. What right did I have to, when I had been the very one to take everything away from them?"

That part especially seemed like something that would run through his mind. It kind of explains some of the mixed emotions that were the cause of his tears that were mentioned in the book, which were shock, confusion, sorrow, and regret, I suppose.

Nice One-shot.

Whew, anyways I'm glad I'm human. :)

Happy writing.