Reviews for A Raven's Tale
Ale chapter 28 . 9/9/2018
This story was very well written. I enjoyed it immensely. I am sad that you never wrote an ending (though I guess we all know how it ends anyway). But I still enjoyed this journey and your take on how things went. I especially enjoyed the way that you wrote Naesala. Thanks for writing at least this much! :)
Ale123456 chapter 5 . 8/26/2018
Yikes :(
Bad part coming up.
I do like your interpretation btw.
Ale123456 chapter 3 . 8/23/2018
Babies are very cute.
And I like Naesala wanting to claim Leanne as his sister too.
And the scene where Reyson is finally discovering his stubborn streak :P
Ale123456 chapter 2 . 8/23/2018
They should be grateful they don't have to watch xD

And I'm liking the kid Reyson and Naesala friendship. So cute and sweet (and will turn out to be sad someday which totally sucks, but makes things more bittersweet).
Ale123456 chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
Ah, this story is soooo cute so far! I love the idea of them hanging out together.
And Naesala being the bad influence and cause of Reyson's roughness is very amusing to me.
Honestly, considering he gets to be king, it's fortuitous he got some training from being around the herons.
Daidairo chapter 28 . 2/17/2015
It's been four years since this updated, but I dug it out to reread again today.

Is there any chance of us seeing more of this lovely piece? ;w;
CR-S01 chapter 28 . 12/7/2011
I love this story so much 3

Naesala is one of my favorite characters and you fleshed him out so much :D I'm accepting this as my personal canon now. It's that believable and good.
Kyu-Momo chapter 28 . 5/17/2011
YAy you updated!


Awesome chapter! I can't wait for the next one. :D
Darkamber8828 chapter 28 . 1/3/2011
Hurray fast update with plot!

The puppy eyes, they work every time.

I forgot Naesala met Ike's parents.

...that does shed new light on his character, that he's, y'know, working for not-profit, and for the good of...and stuff. Even though apparently he gets profit anyway. That's not the point.

It's sweet.

Fairy of the Flames chapter 28 . 1/3/2011
Hooray! Ike is in this one with the others! I was hoping Naesala would recognize Ike as his parents kid, and I'm glad he did. I'm excited for radiant dawn. Does Naesala listen in on Sothe and Micaiah's talk about the blood pact during Part 4? Because I thought it would be interesting.

"I know you say that you and sothe are siblings, but the similarities between the two of you would make more sense if me and Skrimir related..." Hehe. Naesala always gets the best lines. Always.
Fairy of the Flames chapter 27 . 1/1/2011
Aww... Tiko! Nooooo! It took me a while to realize what was going on with the ravens who left, and everything. But now I'm wondering how Vika escaped. Then again, in Chapter 15, there were a few ravens with the other laguz. Hey! Can I get permission to write a companion to this story? You know, with Tiko and Vika and all of the other ravens that left. I would want to write a story like that, but I kind of want to do a companion to this one. Fanfiction always inspires me, sometimes more than the actual story!

The scene with Naesala and Leanne was... wow. I wanted to show my friend this story, but after reading that I know that she's not going to have a lot of fun with this chapter. She hates scenes like this one. I enjoyed it, but felt uncomfortable at the same time.

Now, I'm all caught up, I'll just have to wait for the next one to come out. This was very exciting, and I'm excited to see more of you in the future. Buh-bye!

P.S. I'm serious about the thing with writing a companion story, but I'm going to need your consent. I really, really like the idea!
Fairy of the Flames chapter 26 . 1/1/2011
Hooray for a safe Leanne! Izuka's crazy. He will always be crazy. We always wanted to kill him in part one. You already wrote something like this? Wow! I liked this...
Fairy of the Flames chapter 25 . 1/1/2011
Hehe... Tibarn vs. Naesala! Of course Naesala wouldn't let Tibarn out of this easily. Poor Lotz... I liked him. "DID YOU HEAR ME? I'M PUTTING IT IN THE BAG!" And then Leanne was mocking him in heron language the whole time.

Now, Nicolas and Victor was AMAZING! I knew Naesala could act, but Nealuchi? hahaha! I like how kind the villagers are, but then they would have suddenly changed if they saw even a single black feather. I like how the two flirty characters were portrayed. I'm suprised no one could tell. Don't bird laguz have weird ears like Dragons and Beasts? I mean, it's not as obvious as little kitty ears, but I can't help but wonder. Hurry up and save your wife Naesala, so you can go off and have 2 children.
Fairy of the Flames chapter 24 . 1/1/2011
Hooray for Januff! He's much more interesting than Ulki. Ulki's sort of blah to me. Naesala's (sort of) turning his life around. Now that I think about it, Naesala really is the master of disguise. I mean, he has no trouble wearing Beorc clothing in order to sneak into places. There was his solider garb to save Leanne, and in your story, priest robes and a bard outfit. I really like Milo, and I think that Milo and Vika should totally get together. So, now Naesala gets to save Leanne pretty soon! But, I wonder... what does he do in between PoR Chapters 19 and 27? I'm sure you'll find it out!
Darkamber8828 chapter 27 . 12/28/2010
Ahaha...innocent fanservice I unfortunately can't see because it's only words and not actually hot actors paid to strip. :(

Filler chapter, but I'm glad it's up!

...oh yeah, a raven died. Poor him.

Anyway, more!
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