Reviews for Spring Cleaning
Nienna chapter 1 . 10/6/2014
Best ficou ever.
AuraFelix chapter 1 . 12/10/2013
I don't know if you're still active, but I'm gonna leave a comment anyway. I seriously really really liked it! How someone can get inspiration from that pink monster, is beyond my imagination, but it was great nonetheless! Normally when people write smut with one part being as teasing as Phoenix is in this one, they rarely take it all the way, but you really made me feel Miles' sexual frustrations - don't get me wrong xD - and it made the story so much better! Well done!
Oh, and it was really wellwritten too! The only thing that confused me was how Phoenix was able to touch Miles' dingdong while he was getting a head. But it wasn't really important, the story was brilliant!
LoliPear the WaltzQueen chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
I was smirking at the ending line but i snorted at your comment. How fuuny!
CatMuto chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
Hot, and hilarious. Argh, having trouble typing wri-urgh, right!
Only moment I was confused as to how they positiond during penetration, but that was easily and quickly enough corrected.

The Missy chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
Pretty good story, imo. Liked the part where poor Edgeworth had to wear that pink... thing. XD Its not even a sweater, its a thing!
LadyMoonveil chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
Hehehe, absolutely loved this! You've got them completely in character, and the ending was wonderful. I would love to see more PW/ME stuff from you, maybe a Klavier/Apollo in the future? *winks*
Cree902 chapter 1 . 4/25/2010
SO GOOD! The ending made me smile D
Neko Arisa chapter 1 . 1/10/2010
Oh, it totally did it for me. 3 It made my day, as a matter of fact. KEEP WRITING, it's a command from the fans. :3
chishero chapter 1 . 5/5/2009
*blush* That was detailed and steamy. Goddamn. Nice.
nowherenew chapter 1 . 4/23/2009
Haha, this was great. Funny, too. I love Ace Attorney and I can't find much fanfiction of yaoi for it, but you're great. It was a good length and solid writing.
tsmer chapter 1 . 3/21/2009

*nosebleed* xDD
xiamei chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
*twitches* My review didn't send. Sigh.

Anyway! I loved this XD. Jealous!Edgey and Pervert!Phoenix are win. The happiest thing is I can actually imagine this happening.
Squiggles9034914 chapter 1 . 3/5/2009
xD that was great ... Im currently on my phone in school
ris chapter 1 . 3/2/2009
I loved it. Nice writing. :)
deactivatedsinceforever chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
*nosebleed* I'm pretty sure that did it who doesnt love a good lemon

lolz at the ending
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