Reviews for Darkness is My Ally
Great chapter 35 . 9/11
Not a bad story, but I like the rewrite more. Mainly because Jaden is not as cold. Looking forward to more!
Guest chapter 35 . 4/27
Great read.
Jjmt chapter 21 . 11/20/2019
"The sixth person was Zane. He was looking through his deck and was considering something. The female felt her heartbeat rise slightly because he was different then most men that she had met."

As the guy who likes to split hairs, I just have to ask: since when do vampires have a heartbeat?
Kaisha Agariba Hiniku chapter 18 . 8/2/2019
Not a girl and most definately not a fanboy, but I've read the rewrite of this and liked it, but figured that I better read the original as well and I gotta say, out of all of the Yugioh GX characters, Slade and Jagger were my least favorite and THAT is saying something cause honestly I didn't like quite a few of the characters. So yeah! I did like how you treated them! Wish you luck and happy writing on the rewrite and would like you to know that I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Adam Grimes chapter 3 . 7/30/2019
This is boring
Dom chapter 35 . 6/29/2019
Thank you for writing this story. It was an absolute pleasure to read. This story is downright one of the the best that I have ever read. Thanks for writing this story. Can't wait to go and read the sequel.
Guest chapter 30 . 4/21/2019
This is a super awesome chapter
xSean chapter 4 . 3/19/2019
Yikes, I look at this and while it is well written, (well except for one thing), all I see is an edgy little moron who over reacts to every little thing. Setting Chazz on fire, Syrus' words about Thunder Giant, the girls and especially his own god damn parents. The people who raised him, they obviously cared for him yet his mastering of the Supreme Kings Power makes him into a murderous phsycopath willing to kill his own family? Are you kidding? It's fine being a little dark, he has learned to control his power, you showed him being normal before Yubel was sent off, then he unexplainably becomes murderous... Very evident when a girl who like him kissed him, he causes unimaginable pain in return. What a dick!

Another bad, or should I say stupid point is him wearing his Armour everywhere. He is in a school, it doesn't make him cool, funny or mysterious. He just comes across as a fucking idiot. Who the hell runs around in armour? It would be so bothersome, putting it on in the morning, taking it off at night, doing a piss, doing a shit, when its warm he will be getting cooked alive, infact there is waaaaay more reason to not wear it. Armour would just get in the way of day to day life.

My other issue is with Alexis. I don't really care for how you have made her out to be here. Says she isn't interested in him, he tells her the same so she automatically thinks she has to change that? What? And then there is Jaden's assumptions of her deck. That because she is a girl she is gonna have cute or hot guys/monsters and that she will be a weak Duelist... He already met Cyber Tutu so wtf? Dunno if he took notice of Cyber Blader but she was also there at a point.

Lastly, I don't know if there is a mis-translation somewhere out there or what but from what I know it isn't Dual, Dualist or Dualing. It is Duel, Duelist and Dueling... I don't think I have seen you get it right once so far.
MAJORMATT1234 chapter 3 . 9/17/2018
Wow this got dark fast, interesting, but dark. Did not see that coming.
Anime100 chapter 35 . 9/2/2018
This is truly interesting to read; please update this, Awakening and Rise of the Supreme Emperor very soon
Wicked Ruler chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
You kind of skewed the pooch on the mystery by saying

Looked on at their eight year old son.

Notice you said son, not something like

Looked on at the eight year old boy.

My suggestion allows the mystery to still be there for the very select few who don't know anything about Jaden and Yubel or the Neos backstory.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/9/2018
Omnipotente Vargas chapter 35 . 11/27/2017
Cormin12 chapter 28 . 6/28/2017
You couldn't remember what happened so just imagen it? What if no ones Sean or remembers it ? That's just so lazy. It takes a minute at most to find out, literally.
King of Fans chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
good start
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